Corporate Services Review Corporate Services Review (CSR) Program Management Office (PMO) Current Projects
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT Corporate Services Review Primary objective: reduce the cost of “back-room” support services to free up $s for Government priorities Secondary objective: improve the effectiveness of corporate services delivery
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT Corporate Services Review Completed Reviews: Accounts Payable and Receivable HR Info System HR Reporting Payroll Process Procurement Admin. RTM Workers Compensation Admin. Reviews to come: Financial Reporting Recruitment admin Asset accounting
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT CSR - Recommendations Finance Recommendations: –Electronic invoice management & Purchasing System –Enhance TRIPS and implement across NTPS –Review credit card policy and procedures –Co-location of processing functions –Pay invoices no earlier than due date –Review Accounts Receivable credit policy HR Recommendations: –Automation of casuals processing –Expand usage of the One-staff application –Enhance myHR and mandate use –Co-locate payroll staff in Darwin –Pursue simplification of awards/conditions –Purchase a data warehouse to enhance reporting capacity of HRIS –Implement Payroll Contact Centre
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT Program Management Office ■ Reduce the risk of failure. ■ Ensure CSR projects and initiatives are delivered within a strategic framework. ■ Provides a single integrated view of the program and progress to all stakeholders. ■ Work collaboratively with business units to deliver effective change and subsequent benefits. ■ To become a Centre of Excellence within DCIS, and to up skill staff within the Department in the area of project management.
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT PMO – Governance Structure CSR Steering Committee DBE Executive Board DBE - IMC A/S Finance Managers DBE Executive Board DBE - IMC A/S Finance Managers Program Office Program Office Deputy Chief Executive Transactional Services Steering Committee (adhoc) Inter-Agency Implementation & coordination group External CFO Forums Finance Managers Forum HR Forum TRIPS User Group PO User Group External CFO Forums Finance Managers Forum HR Forum TRIPS User Group PO User Group Project Working Group Project 1 DCIS Business Units Major projects report direct to Program Office Minor projects report direct to Business Unit Project Co-ordination Group
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT ELECTRONIC INVOICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Project: To implement an electronic workflow solution that will improve the management and payment of invoices. Benefits: A streamlined accounts payment process. Greater visibility of invoice status. Enable quicker traceability to clients. Retains an audit trail. Status: Currently assessing tender responses. Current Finance Projects
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT TRAVEL REQUISITION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM (TRIPS) Project: To implement an electronic workflow solution that will improve the management of travel requests, calculation and payment of travel Allowances. Benefits: One standard travel system and process. Automatic calculation and quicker payment of T/A. Online approvals by delegates. Audit trail of travel, acquittals, over/under payments. Status: Currently implementing enhancements 21 agencies using TRIPS in some capacity. Current Finance Projects
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT PAY INVOICES NO EARLIER THAN DUE DATE Project: Update current Accounts Payable wizards to allow for payment on due date. and update procedures and train staff. Benefits: Retain cash for as long as possible to be invested. Status: Completed. Current Finance Projects
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT PAYROLL CONTACT CENTRE Project: To implement a payroll contact centre. This will enable the streamlining of calls, queries and requests to payroll services. Benefits: Increased focus and culture of continuous improvement and customer service. Greater visibility of requests, queries and advice required of business, leading to better planning of resources and skills required to provide service. Increased capability to respond/ resolve queries immediately and accurately redirect second level calls. Increased focus for payroll staff on complex calculations through decreasing interruptions thereby reducing errors and rework of calculations. Current HR Projects
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT PAYROLL CONTACT CENTRE …. Status Target date for Pre-Pilot to Commence 1 Jan 2009 Target Audience – employees with payroll or leave related queries Evaluation of quotations from suppliers (of software) to commence this week Expression of interests for people to be involved in the pilot program – to be issued this week Current HR Projects
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT ONESTAFF ADMINISTRATION Project: To prepare a business case detailing the viability of centralizing the ownership and administration of the Onestaff application. Benefits: Identification of appropriate resourcing, budget allocation, total cost of ownership and human resource requirements to operate the system. Status: Business Case is in ‘draft’ and will be issued in the next few weeks Current HR Projects
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT AUTOMATION OF CASUAL PROCESSING Project: Pilot of automation of casual processing for RDH based shift workers. Pilot will be extended to other hospitals early Benefits: Significant reduction in effort required to manually process casuals. Number of casual employees increased dramatically with the introduction of the intervention. Error rate reduction Greater morale in the payroll team. Status: Currently testing the data - dual processing of pays. Expected delivery Jan Current HR Projects