© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 Weekly Poll - Holidays Analyzing 369 responses of s sent, 1577 received (response rate = 23%). Fielded November 11 – 18, 2003; presentation generated on November 19, Margin of error is +/- 5.2%.
© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 Does your company engage in any of the following practices to help alleviate holiday-related stress among your employees? (Please select all that apply.)
© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 ChoiceCountPercent of Sample Schedule holiday events such as parties during normal business hours to alleviate employee scheduling concerns % Remind employees of Employee Assistance Programs or other company benefits designed to help deal with stress % Schedule activities, allow casual dress, or otherwise show extra appreciation for employees who work during a holiday period % Establish a casual dress code for holiday parties so employees do not feel pressured to spend money on dressy outfits % Provide holiday food (e.g., a turkey or pie) to employees % Give a holiday bonus early enough that employees can use it for holiday shopping8322.5% Allow employees to work on a holiday (e.g., December 25) then later take an extra floating holiday or vacation day % Offering reduced hours around the holidays to employees who want the extra time for errands5314.4% Provide employees with holiday volunteer opportunities on company time4913.3% Offering extra shifts to employees who would like to increase hours or work overtime to make money for the holidays 297.9% Provide child care or activities for children to give parents extra time for holiday shopping and errands 30.8% Other (please specify)5615.2% Does your company engage in any of the following practices to help alleviate holiday-related stress among your employees? (Please select all that apply.)
© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 We have two days off at Thanksgiving, two days off at Christmas and two days off for New Years - which is the best because its after all the activities and is more relaxing! We grant a small amount of paid time for associates to use to attend department holiday luncheons or to do Christmas shopping We do our associate appreciation gala in January We do not do anything different around holidays We close the office early on the day before a holiday We are closed on holidays. We allow employees to work flexible hours so if they do want extra time for holiday shopping they can do that. This is all year round. We also do a giving tree at work. Voluntary layoff over 2 week shutdown, work projects that greatly benefit the company for those who want to work voluntary gift exchange Other (Specify)
© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 The $150 holiday bonus we're giving this year is in lieu of the Thanksgiving turkey certificate & Christmas meal, along with extended meal times. Sponsor Angel Tree activity, so people can contribute to those less fortunate together. Sick Leave and Vacation Buy Back Program with checks distributed in December so employees can use for the Holidays. Set Holiday schedule w/day before and after Christmas as paid holidays. Serve a special holiday meal on for employees working that day. Provide opportunities for employees to give or help the needy. Provide a voluntary two week paid or unpaid period of time off. Provide a great work environment Pot Luck Other (Specify), cont’d.
© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 Open Plant on weekends to allow for family time during holiday weeks. Offers a free gift wrapping service for employees (hires temps to gift wrap) Offer alternative hours to the shift workers, i.e. afternoon shift associates work on a weekend so they get the afternoon off on Christmas/New Year's Eve None. Hospitality has no holidays. None of the above MLK day and Columbus day are "floaters" to be taken as the employee wishes. holiday party outside business hours Holiday Gift Drawing holiday gift certificate to local grocery store Have assigned employee birthday holiday for 2003 to 12/26/03 and 2004 birthday holiday to 1/2/04 to allow for extended time with family and friends, etc. during holidays. Other (Specify), cont’d.
© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 Have a family party with food, music, crafts for the kids and Santa with kids presents. Pinatas for the kids AND the adults! Give extra days off to prepare for holiday events Gifts to employee's children Extended lunch periods the last day worked before the holiday. Close down between Christmas and New Years Can take the day after the holiday off with out pay As a consulting, travel keeps many employees away during the annual Christmas Party. We allow these groups to do their own party on a date when they are able to attend. An afternoon off to do whatever; an extra vacation day to use sometime before end of fiscal year (June 30) Alter work schedules so employees do not have to work on the "eve" of a holiday Other (Specify), cont’d.
© 2003 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Poll: November 18, 2003 Allow employees to work on a holiday and pay them for them for 8 hours of holiday pay (16 hours for the day). Allow choice of OT days All of our employees schedule their own time as necessary a great environment focused on balance, success and happiness! (Casual all the time!) $75 grocery gift cert; wellness committee sponsoring stress seminar Other (Specify), cont’d.