«PERSEAS» Counseling Center for Adolescents and Family
Brief Description of «PERSEAS» Our Center belongs to the Mental Health Services, of the Ministry of Health and exclusively specializes in Adolescent Drug users and their Families. We have been established since 1999 and we are located in a nice built-up area in Nicosia since August 2002 We address ADOLESCENTS and YOUNG ADULTS up to the age of 22, who are drug users on an experimental, casual, or even more systematic base, as well as their FAMILIES
Brief Description of «PERSEAS» (…continued) All our services are free and confidential. The identity and personal data is carefully protected in all aspects and functions of our Center We promptly arrange first contact mainly during AFTERNOON HOURS, so that adolescents are able to continue their educational or occupational activities in the morning. First appointments with the adolescent or/and parents are arranged by immediate response to calls at 1456
Brief Description of «PERSEAS» (…continued) After the stage of evaluation we offer a range of interventions, structured in a program designed according to the needs and in collaboration with the client 1. 5 sessions program for adolescents 2. Brief intervention 3. Intensive program 4. Program for the support and activation of parents
«PERSEAS» Drug Helpline Τ he operation of our helpline 1456 was approved as a complete member by FESAT in May 2003
«PERSEAS» Drug Helpline (…continued) Since then FESAT has provided supervisory help, education and specialization Is committed in following approved specifications and the Ethical Code of FESAT Its operation is conditioned by close collaboration and feedback by FESAT Data is sent to FESAT and publicized to all countries members
«PERSEAS» Drug Helpline (…continued) Offers a variety of services: Information Guidance Support Referral Undertaking of cases Functions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and on Tuesdays and Fridays Our helpline is the unique member of FESAT in Cyprus
Who Addresses The Helpline Adolescents Parents Siblings, relatives and friends Health professionals Educators Social workers People concerned with drug problems in their environment Drug Law Enforcement Unit (There is a clear frame of collaboration with this unit and referrals from this source have been particularly increased since Our collaboration has been even more structured with the implementation of the European program «FreD goes net»)
Additional Information Number of staff: All therapeutic staff of PERSEAS (6-7), with daily switched shifts (no volunteers) Our approach is based on the Systemic Theory and integrates CBT and Motivational Interviewing Techniques Support and Supervision is done through weekly discussions of calls, during clinical staff meetings Average number of calls per month for the year 2009 ± 20
There is a network of specialized drug units within the Mental Health Services. PERSEAS, as part of them has managed to create a specific public identity of a unit specialized in Adolescence The above results to the limitation of phone calls and the increase of those which address only adolescent specific problems
One of our main goals achieved in the past 2 years was the establishment of a better and closer collaboration with schools, which has significantly increased the referrals from this source In the near future we aim towards the same achievement with the army and social services (There are a variety of actions within the National Strategy which aim towards the achievement of the above)
In 2004 there was an initial plan to provide services and online responses but is still pending. Support and supervision by FESAT would be very helpful in order to implement this program as soon as possible One of our obstacles in daily practice of the helpline is the working time schedule. There is a difficulty to cover the line on a 24hour base Another main aim is to publicize our helpline, but we have not been able to promote due to the lack of funding
It is important to mention that most professionals referring cases to PERSEAS immediately address the therapeutic staff and not the helpline, thus limiting the helpline as a line of correspondence to the public