HR Management Human Resource is individuals who make up the workforce of the organisation Optimum utilisation of staff to the extent possible Assess the scope for better use of staff Duties & responsibilities of staff codified in rule book Potential of staff should be utilised beyond duties & responsibilities
Analysing & Assessing subordinate staff Identify qualities of staff which can be used by organisation in a better way Suitability to work as a PRO/PRI Suitability to work as a resourceful Marketing executive Suitability to work as a systems Manager
Development of subordinate staff Identify the strength and weakness of the official Help the staff to overcome the weakness by arranging for training Training can be arranged at work place after office hours Through weekly discussions/meetings on the latest development in the department Suggesting the name of the official for training at WTC/PTC
HR Management Maintain PF of Postmen, MTS and GDS Leave applications to be disposed LSG and above can sanction on their own Below LSG – forward to concerned SDH CL can be granted independently Watch and supervise the work of substitute
HR Management Receive a copy of leave sanction memo from SDH in r/o GDS of BOs in account Whenever documents are received from BO check and confirm that authorised persons are working at BO If unauthorised persons work at BO, inform the fact to concerned SDI If GDS is on leave for a long period confirm that leave is granted by the concerned authority
Arrangement for Casual leave vacancies Arrangement of paid substitute in casual leave vacancies of postman, Village postmen and Class IV Restricted to offices at which postman, village postmen and class IV staff together does not exceed 4 If strength exceeds 4, work should be managed by redistribution among available staff Head of the Circle/Region may relax in individual cases if it is not possible to distribute the work among staff present due to absence of large number of officials
Arrangement for Casual leave vacancies Amount payable to substitute must not exceed the minimum pay of the time scale in force at the office concerned for the class to which the absentee belongs Minimum pay includes dearness and all other allowances Approval of Divisional Head to be obtained before payment of claims to substitute
Arrangement for Casual leave vacancies In respect of any particular postal official, employment of paid substitute is limited to 8 days in calendar year Substitute to be produced by postal official for acceptance by head of the office
Arrangement for Casual leave vacancies If postal official is unable to produce a suitable substitute the head of the office may select a substitute Both postal official and head of the office were responsible for good behavior of substitute
Assessing subordinate staff Don’t decide on basic education Decide with personal capabilities HRM is talent management Provide opportunity to explore talents and skills
Exercise Prepare a checklist to assess the capabilities of each cadre of subordinate officials in your office like postmen, MTS, GDS. Faculty to consolidate and facilitate for preparation of a standard checklist among the class.
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