Using E-Class Finding case files by location or holder
This is a PowerPoint presentation of about five minutes duration. It will explain how to find a case file according to where it is or who currently holds it. You may exit the presentation at any time simply by closing the Window. Where this arrow appears, click on it to advance the slides.
By default, E-Class displays your active case files when you log on. This screen is useful, but it accesses only active case files. Users frequently need to view approved case files, most of which are inactive (not currently being reviewed). Click view/search to change screens…
This is the first view/search screen. It allows users to pre-filter the database by classification plan. Click to continue…
Pre-filtering by classification plan adds a plan-specific search field for detailed filtering by plan factor or rating profile. Example: PSJEP Factor Search Field Example: MJEP Factor Search Field Searchable PSJEP plan factors Searchable MJEP plan factors
For general searches, when you are not filtering for a rating profile, simply accept the default – All Plans – and continue the search. Click to continue…
This is the top half of the search form. The fields for file location are in the bottom portion. Click here to scroll down the page…
This is bottom half of the search form. The File Location field and the Assigned To field are used for locating a case file. The organization currently holding the file The individual currently holding the file Note: The File Location field is not the ministry that owns the position, rather the physical location of the file. This is analogous to “parcel tracking”! Since April 2003 the File Location field value is nearly always BCPSA, as the files are originated and processed entirely within the Central Agency.
By default, the Action/Reason field is set to Approved and Approval Notice, so that casual searches automatically yield “good” case files. Change these default values for a wider search For a broader search, including case files in progress, you should change this value to – Any -
Because the three main search fields on this screen are scrolling list boxes, you can make multiple searches by holding down the key while clicking selections.
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