Juniors/Freshmen—Presentation Grading Points Possible 140 FOR ALL PROJECTS (BACKGROUND) Did you include a brief, easy to follow summary of your novel? Did you include the title and author of novel? Did you explain which literary period your novel would fit? Could you answer my questions about why? (JUNIORS ONLY)
Juniors/Freshmen—Presentation Grading FOR THE PROJECT YOU CHOSE: Did you address all aspects of the box you chose? Did you have a deep understanding of the novel and the project you chose to present? Did you do a good job of helping your audience understand the aspects of the project you chose? Did you provide specific examples (with page numbers)?
Juniors/Freshmen—Presentation Grading FOR ALL PROJECTS (THE PRESENTATION ITSELF): Can your slides be read from the back of the room? Are you presenting in a more formal manner and refraining from casual speech patterns or slang? Are you making good eye contact? Are you dressed appropriately? Do you read your slides or notecards too much? Are your slides organized and presented in a logical manner? Can the audience hear what you are saying?
“Dress Code” No hoodies No jeans with holes in them Dress shirts with jeans are fine (no ties required, but it would look nice) No flip-flops No bra straps or underwear of any kind showing (guys…pull up your pants)