Bell Ringer: Compare and contrast the temperatures of the cities below. (Type into ebackpack to make it easier.)


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer: Compare and contrast the temperatures of the cities below. (Type into ebackpack to make it easier.)

Graphs and Charts: Scatterplots, Line Graphs, Bar Graphs, Histograms, Pie Charts Lesson Essential Question: How can you use data displays to compare two populations?

Bar Graphs, Double Bar Graphs, Histograms

Definition Bar Graph- A graph that compares categories of data using bars.

Bar Graph Bar graphs compare values by using bars. A bar graph is useful for comparing facts. The bars provide a visual display for comparing quantities in different categories.

Directions of Bar Graphs

Bar Graph Title

Bar Graph Labels Labels

Bar Graph Scale

Think & Discuss Why don’t the bars of a bar graph touch? You have 30 seconds Because the intervals are NOT continuous. Sleeping does not lead directly into working.

Double Bar Graph Definition- A Double Bar Graph compares categories of data for two sets of data.

Double Bar Graph

Work with a partner!

Histograms Definition: A histogram is a graph that relates data shown in a frequency table. A histogram is similar to a bar graph but a histogram groups numbers into ranges.

Histogram vs. Bar Graph Histograms are a great way to show continuous data such as weight, height, and how much time. BUT, if your data is in categories (such as Country or Favorite Movie), then you should use a bar graph.

Histogram Example: The histogram shows the heights of 21 students in a class, grouped into 5-inch groups. How many students were greater than or equal to 60 inches tall?

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Bar Graph/Double Bar Graph/Histogram Independent Practice ixl eighth grade N.2 Interpret Bar Graphs Or N.10 Interpret Histograms

Summary: 3 – 2 – 1 Write 3 facts about bar graphs or double bar graphs. Write 2 facts about histograms Write 1 similarity or difference between bar graphs and histograms.