David Haworth Copyright 2001 Imaging the Sky 2001
2 Agenda Fastar configuration Imaging session Images Image processing Disadvantages Advantages
3 SBIG ST-237 CCD Camera Celestron C-8 telescope Schmidt-Cassegrain Fastar lens assembly
4 The Fastar lens assembly replaces the secondary mirror The Fastar lens assembly replaces the secondary mirror ST-237 CCD camera mounted on the Fastar lens assembly
5 Focal length: 16” (406mm) Speed: f/1.95 Field of view: 41 x 31 arc min .68 x.52 degrees Sampling: 3.8 arc sec/pixel
6 Lumicon 80mm Super-Finder Orion 1X EZ Finder Reflex Sight
7 Observatory Observatory
9 Polar Alignment
10 Imaging Session
11 Imaging Session MaxIm DL CCD for camera control TheSky for charts
12 Imaging Session TheSky to find NGC 7331
13 Imaging Session Find a bright star
14 Imaging Session Position telescope on bright star with 1X EZ Finder
15 Imaging Session Star hopping to NGC 7331 with Lumicon 80mm Super-Finder
16 Imaging Session Lumicon 80mm Super-Finder 3 degree Field of view Star hopping to NGC 7331
17 Imaging Session Lumicon 80mm Super-Finder 3 degree field of view Fastar 41’ x 31’ field of view Star hopping to NGC 7331
18 Imaging Session Fastar 41’ x 31’ field of view Star hopping to NGC 7331 DSS image
19 Imaging Session Fastar 41’ x 31’ Field of view TheSky mirror view to match camera
20 Imaging Session Fastar image 41’ x 31’ 3 sec 3 binning to find NGC 7331 MaxIm DL camera control It takes about 4 to 8 minutes to find and center an object
21 Imaging Session Select nonsaturated bright star Focusing
22 Imaging Session Adjust focus for minimum FWHM Y Focusing
23 Imaging Session 31 Sequence of 30 Sec images
24 Imaging Session Last 30 Sec image of 31 images It takes about 20 minutes to take 31 images
25 Imaging Processing Create master dark, median combine darks Create pixel defect map Check statistics on images, remove bad ones Remove images with bad tracking Dark subtract all images
26 Imaging Processing Fix bad pixels with defect map Median combine all images Create gradient image Subtract gradient image from images Register images Median combine to create master image
27 Imaging Processing Process image with MaxEnt Process image with Digital Development Adjust minimum/maximum screen display Process image with Unsharp mask Histogram adjust the image Save as JPG for web
28 Imaging Processing NGC 7331
29 Imaging Processing NGC 891
30 Imaging Processing M106
31 Imaging Processing M81
32 Disadvantages Disadvantages Not good for Moon & planets Small objects do not show well Telescope is not easily used for visual use
33 Advantages Advantages Easy to find deep sky objects Good field of view Reasonable images without PEC or guiding
34 Information Information ITS 2001 CD-ROM David Haworth New Latest information on web site