Reading Statistical Data
Your Mission Three riders go out for a sweet bike ride around Cache Valley. They record their speed and heart rates as they ride. Being the good technoathletes that they are, they graph their data to analyze their performance and measure improvement. However, they are having trouble understanding the different views of the data: Time-based views, and distribution-based views, commonly called histograms. Help them find errors in their thinking and interpretation of their data.
Definition of Terms Click the term to have the description appear Mean Median Mode The number that occurs most frequently The middle number if you counted towards the middle from the first and last number The sum of a set of numbers divided by the amount of numbers
Definition of Terms Click the term to have the description appear Histogram Time-based view A bar graph that shows how frequently data occur within a certain range Used to examine changes over time A chronological graph of data from the start of something Used to compare large sets of data and see how frequently certain levels of data occur to the end
Definition of Terms Click the term to have the description appear Normal Curve Skew A bell-shaped curve that shows how a distribution-based view of data usually looks given a large enough sample of data Asymmetrical normal curves where the mean is pulled to the left or right because the data aggregates more to the low or high part of the distribution
Time-based View Click the term to have the description appear X-axis Y-axis The x-axis is always time in a time based view. This shows the progression of time on the y-axis The y-axis is the variable to examine over time. In this case, heart-rate is the y-axis
Histogram Click the term to have the description appear X-axis Y-axis The x-axis is the variable to be measured In this case, heart-rate is the x-axis The y-axis is always a measure of count, how often the data is at that level In this case, the heart-rate is most often between
Ride One: Time-Based ViewRide One: Histogram Rider 1: Vance Legstrong
The following short video will outline how to use the Excel data we’ve prepared for you Files: – Vance Legstrong Vance Legstrong – Freddy Merckx Freddy Merckx – Padel Bevans Padel Bevans Using Excel to Manage the Riders’ Data
Rider #2: Freddy Merckx
This slide should show the whole problem. This portrayal will contain errors, which in the next slide(s) the learner will assess
Help Freddy HistogramTime-based View Incorrect, while a Time-based View would show his heart- rate, it would not easily show how many times it is at this level Correct, the Histogram would show how often his heart-rate falls between 160 and 180 Freddy wants to examine how often his heart-rate falls between 160 and 180 beats per minute. What would be the best graph for this?
Help Freddy YesNo Incorrect, look at the x-axis Correct, Freddy started his x-axis away from the origin point Did Freddy correctly setup his figure?
Rider #3: Padel Bevans This layout is similar to the other first slide of the other portrayals (images) Data File
This slide will introduce Steven’s problem, wherein he does not know how to display his data This slide will contain some data that the learner will manipulate on the future slides This will not have graphing or calculation Simply, “This is his data. What should he do with it?”
This slide will restate the data. Then ask the learner to do (do-execute) the calculation of the mean, median, and mode. BRAD LEAVE THIS FOR NOW
This slide will restate the data. Then ask the learner to setup (do-execute) the graphs BRAD LEAVE THIS FOR NOW
Time-Based ViewTitle Rider #3 Rider #1Rider #2 Definition of Terms Histogram Help Freddy Differences in Views Your Mission Table of Contents