Galapagos & ecuador coast Marine Data Collection Patricia Marti Puig
First Guest: Planning map Software: ARC Explorer, GEBCD Right: -54,429 Top: +13,183 Bottom: -21,698 Left: -117,606
Marine sediment thickness map Software: FLT2FLT.EXE, SAGA, Google Earth
Project map & AOI Software: SAGA, ARC explorer Right: -78 Top: +3 Bottom: -7 Left: -95
Data distribution plot Source: World Ocean Database 2005
Cruise list and Cruise information record Source: World Ocean Database 2005
Data Collection Software: Ocean Data View Source: World Ocean Database 2005
Bottle data Data Collection xbt and mbt data ctd dataProfiles data Software: Ocean Data View Source: World Ocean Database 2005
Nutrient profile: 6 stations windows Station and Scatter Plots Bottle data + online bottle data Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
Nutrient profile: 6 scatter windows Station and Scatter Plots Bottle data + online bottle data Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
Nutrient profile vs Salinity Station and Scatter Plots Bottle data + online bottle data Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
T-S diagram Station and Scatter Plots Software: ODV Source: coriolis server Bottle data + online bottle data
T-S diagram January-March Station and Scatter Plots T-S diagram Juny-August Dry and colderWet and warmer Bottle data + online bottle data Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
T-S diagram vs silicate Station and Scatter Plots Bottle data + online bottle data Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
Ocean section plots Software: ODV Bottle data
Quick gridding: X=65; Y=55 Software: ODV Ocean section plots Bottle data
1000m shore Software: ODV Ocean section plots Bottle data
Local xbt-mbt data + online xbt data Time vs Depth vs Temperature Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
Local xbt-mbt data + online xbt data Software: ODV Source: coriolis server Time vs Depth vs Temperature Quick gridding X=20 Y=10
Time vs Depth vs Temperature Jan-MarchJuly-Sept Local xbt-mbt data + online xbt data Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
Time vs Depth vs Temperature Oct-March ENSO? Software: ODV Source: coriolis server
Improving and export ODV graphics for publication Software: ODV Bottle data
Export an analysis product Software: ODV Bottle data
Table to Event Theme Software: Saga
Grid a points shape Software: Saga Nitrate surface (0m), 0.1 grid Salinity surface (0m), 0.1 grid µmols/L psu
Grid a points shape Software: Saga Temp surface (0m), 0.1 grid Jan-March Temp surface (0m), 0.1 grid July-Sept Degrees C°
Grid a points shape Software: Saga Temp 400m, 0.1 grid Jan-march Temp 400m, 0.1 grid July-sept Degrees C°
Histogram Software: Saga Nitrate surface (0m) Frequency µmols/L
Convert histogram to table Software: Saga
Grid products Software: Saga Temp surface (0m), 0.1 grid July-Sept 10 bins palette Temp surface (0m), 0.1 grid Jan-March 10bins palette
Regional Bathy/Topo Grid Software: Saga With contour lines
Placing contours on an image basemap Software: ArcExplorer Source: Modis Rapid Response System
Vector Chart from U and V Component Grids Source: National Virtual Ocean Data System Richardson currents Derived surface currents
Vector Chart from U and V component Grids January Software: Quik grid, SAGA Source: National Virtual Ocean Data System
Vector Chart from U and V component Grids July Software: Quik grid, SAGA Source: National Virtual Ocean Data System
Synthesize Local & Online Data Software: ArcExplorer Source: NGDC IMS server, Hazards
Synthesize Local & Online Data Software: ArcExplorer Source: ARGO server, floats
High-Resolution Data: Sea Surface Temperature 21/02/2010 Software: Panoply, Google Earth Source: NetCDF SST