Lecture №2 State System of Scientific and Technical Information.
The main institutions and organizations of Ukraine, which carry a centralized collection and processing of the main types of published documents include: Book Chamber of Ukraine, Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information (UkrISTEI), V.I.Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and other library and information institutions of national or regional level.
Institutes servs scientific and technical information (STI), information centers, libraries, producing informational publications. They cover all sectors of the economy. The bulk of the benefits of the above institutions and organizations is divided into three types: bibliographic, abstract and review.
Bibliographic publications have ordered a set of bibliographic records indicate that issued the question of interest to specialists. Bibliographic descriptions serve two functions. They announce the appearance of the document (alarm function and communicate relevant information about its location (address function). With bibliographic entries are pointers and bibliographic lists.
Bibliographies often a signal consisting of a list of bibliographic records, often without annotations and abstracts. These publications with maximum fullness inform the release of domestic and foreign literature, describes the efficiency of their training in a relatively short period of time out to show its publication in the index.
Help in finding references provide abstracts publication containing publication papers, including short overview of basic documents (or portions thereof) with the basic factual data and conclusions. To abstract publications are refereed journal, abstract collections, rapid information leaflets, etc.. Typically, this edition fully reflects all the documents of a particular industry, both published and unpublished (RJ "Business. Economics", "Politics. Political
In selecting the literature, researchers have paid particular attention to the publication of the Book Chamber of Ukraine: bibliographies, "Chronicle Books," "Chronicle newspaper articles", "Annals of journal articles", "Chronicle notes," "Chronicle of visual media," "Chronicle comments," "The new edition of Ukraine", "Periodic and prodovzhuvani edition" and others. In selecting the literature, researchers have paid particular attention to the publication of the Book Chamber of Ukraine: bibliographies, "Chronicle Books," "Chronicle newspaper articles", "Annals of journal articles", "Chronicle notes," "Chronicle of visual media," "Chronicle comments," "The new edition of Ukraine", "Periodic and prodovzhuvani edition" and others.
In addition to the newsletters of STI for information retrieval to use automated information retrieval systems, databases and data banks, Internet. These finding can be used directly, but often they are the step (key) to identify the primary sources of information, such as scientific papers (monographs, collections) and other necessary for research publication.
Of particular importance for search and analysis of literature published in recent years, a retrospective bibliography, which purpose is the preparation and dissemination of bibliographic information about works of print for a certain period of time in the past. Retrospective bibliography presented a wide range of benefits.
Primary information - this background information, which is a direct result of social, experimental research, learning experience. Secondary information - the result of analytical and synthetic processing of primary data.
Particular importance is the primary and secondary information is to write the thesis, as is the theoretical and experimental foundation for achieving the goal of research and solve its problems. It is proof of the validity of scientific statements dissertation, their reliability and innovation.
Reliability - a sufficient accuracy, that no doubt, proof that the named result (law, regularity, a set of facts, etc.). True, true. Reliability - is the repetition results in the same conditions with many checks at many sites.
Reliability of the results and conclusions of the dissertation experiment, logical proof, analysis of literary and archival sources, the test of practice. There are three groups of methods of proof of reliability: analytical, experimental, proof of practice.
Analytical methods are the most important methods of scientific knowledge, their essence - proof of the result (of the law, laws, formulas, concepts) through the logical, mathematical transformations, analysis of statistical data, published and unpublished documents.
Description of experimental methods of validation is to conduct scientific experiments and comparison of theoretical and experimental results. When comparing the results of scientific practice requires concurrence derived in the theory of the provisions of the phenomena observed in practical situations.
Knowledge published (secondary) sources of information on the topic of study - a necessary condition for quality research. It lets you deeply comprehend scientific material contained in the published works of other scholars as the main issues and problems are almost always described in earlier studies.
For the list of sources on the theme should be used in existing libraries catalog of works in which the names are located on areas of knowledge; alphabetical directories in which the cards for books in alphabetical order of author names or titles, subject directories, containing the works of specific problems and issues, a variety of bibliographic and reference (guides and indexes on specific topics and sections), footnotes and references in books, textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.
Then you need a card index (or list) literature on the topic. Well drawn card index (list), even a cursory review of the names of sources helps to cover the topic in general. On this basis you can have at the beginning of the study to clarify the structure of the thesis.
Determination of scrutiny topics should begin with an introduction of newsletters that contain information about the systematic operational documents (published, unpublished), the most essential sides of their content. Information publication unlike conventional textbooks include not only information about the published work, but also ideas and facts contained in them.