PICKING THE RIGHT JOB FOR YOU Post Doc versus Faculty Teaching and/or Research Large versus Small Institution
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF POST-DOCS Lots of time for research - added publications, time to establish post-graduate career track, grant writing experience Build reputation and network No or little administrative and teaching load NOTE: some post docs are tied to specific projects, others are open Salary is not usually comparable to a faculty position or industry Not as common in engineering disciplines
APPLYING FOR POST-DOCS NSERC Canada - National Science Foundation (NSF) - Various fellowships: check database on web (eg. Community of Science at student services Foreign embassies (web) Research institutions and national labs Ask someone senior in your area
NSERC POST-DOCS Must be a Canadian or Permanent Resident Must have obtained doctorate no more than two years before the deadline (Nov 15) If you have relevant work experience in industry or government after your PhD, the eligibility period is extended to 3 years If you have withdrawn from the workforce for at least one year after your PhD for maternity leave or to raise a child, the eligibility period is extended to 6 years Support is for 24 months at $35,000 per year
LIMITED TERM POSITIONS Get lots of teaching experience May provide an opportunity to be at a better department than otherwise possible Flexibility with no commitment NOTE: In order to be eligible for an NSERC Research grant, the term position must be for at least 3 years!
FACULTY POSITIONS May require a post-doc to be competitive Large variation in teaching and research load between institutions Allows you to build your own research program Some programs targeted at women – NSERC University Faculty Awards
NSERC UFAs Must be nominated by a university by Nov 1 Minimum of 15 selected per year Five year term (3+2) – must be offered tenure track from the University! $40,000 per year towards salary Not eligible if you already hold a tenure track position at a Canadian university Expected to devote the majority of time to research (reduced teaching and admin) Need strong support to be successful in obtaining a UFA
TIMELINES Now - Get to know the people in your field! Fall - applications for post docs Most faculties are hiring all year around while some follow a schedule such as: –Dec and Jan - Applications for faculty –Feb to April - Interviews –March to June - Offers
APPLICATION PACKET Cover Letter Curriculum Vitae Research Statement Teaching Statement Selected Papers Letters of Reference (sometimes these need to be sent directly to the University) NOTE: Research the Department that you are applying to and tailor your application accordingly!
APPLICATION TIPS Send it on time Send it to some places you’d love to work even if they aren’t advertising Don’t send it to anywhere you wouldn’t go Prepare your packet carefully! –Do not replicate publications –No mistakes –Visually appealing
APPLICATION TIPS 2 Cover letter should include –your research area –your university –your advisor Teaching statement should discuss your philosophy, experience and innovative ideas Research statement should include your major research activities and impact as well as other projects that you may have been involved in (include who supported the research and/or collaborators)
APPLICATION TIPS 3 Ask referees in advance if they can write you a STRONG letter Your referees should be –people who know your work well –national and international scholars –someone to comment on your teaching –someone to comment on you and your leadership skills Send your writers your current CV and supplementary materials to help them
APPLICATION TIPS 4 Your CV should include –educational and professional experiences –awards, scholarships and other recognition –publications (journals, conference, presented, reports, etc.) –impact of research (tech transfer, patents) –professional activities (e.g. committees, journal reviewer) –Other activities that highlight your leadership skills (e.g. women in science & engineering)
JOB POSTINGS University Faculty or Department web pages University Human Resource web pages Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) web page at under publications>bulletin Scientific journals in areas of expertise Industry partners (research and development) such as those listed on NSERC web page
JOB POSTINGS 2 CCWEST web page listed under ‘clearing house’ “University Affairs’ publication, from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Web page at Chronicle of Higher Education web address: