The Golden Horde and the Rus in the XIIIth to mid of the XIVth centuries P.V. Vereschagin. Russian prince at the Tatar headquarters.
Plan 1.The Mongols in the second half of the XII - early XIIIth centuries. The emergence of the empire of Genghis Khan. 2. Struggle of the Russian princes against the Mongol expansion. 3. The political consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. 4. The economic and cultural consequences of the Mongol- Tatar yoke.
Genghis Khan Supreme Khan of the Mongols ( ) (Yuan era album. 14 th century)
Mongol conquests in the XIII century.
Asia. About 1200 AD.
Battle of the Kalka. Scheme. 31st of May 1223.
The fragmentation of the Empire of Genghis Khan.
Batu Khan, the leader of a pan- Mongol campaign to Eastern and Central Europe ( ). The great Khan of the Golden Horde ( ) (Medieval Chinese drawing of the14th century).
Defence of Ryazan from the Tatar-Mongol hordes of Batu. Diorama by Deshalyta. Fragment
Vladimir. Storming of the Golden Gate. Diorama. Fragment.
Defense of Kozelsk. Miniature from Nikon Chronicle. 16th century.
The Mongol invasion in
The capital of the Golden Horde Sarai Batu. Modern reconstruction
Russian lands and the Golden Horde in the XIIIth century
S.V. Ivanov. The baskaks. (1909)
Smirnov V.S. Prince Michael of Chernigov before the General Headquarters of Batu Khan
The main conclusions 1.In 1206, the Mongol tribes united under the rule of Genghis Khan. 2.In the first half of the XIIIth century the Mongols had made great conquests, for they had effective military intelligence, well-organized army and used the achievements of the Chinese military engineering. But what is even more important, they usually faced with the peoples of the neighboring lands already experiencing the period of feudal fragmentation. 3.The first heavy defeat of the Mongols the Russian troops suffered in the Battle of the Kalka River in In a series of campaigns in , Batu devastated a significant part of Kievan Rus, establishing the premises for its subordination to the Golden Horde. 5.The creation of a system of theMongol-Tatar yoke was a long-term process and was a result of a series of invasions, which lasted for decades. 6.The functioning of the system of the Tatar-Mongol yoke has caused great damage to the economy and culture of Kievan Rus and destroyed the natural course of its political development.