The Anglo-Saxons 449-1066.


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Presentation transcript:

The Anglo-Saxons 449-1066

The British Legacy Great Britain has been invaded and settled many times by various groups. Whatever is British today owes something to each of these invaders.

The Spirit of the Celts The Celts saw spirits (gods) everywhere in nature, and they are believed to control all aspects of existence. Priests, called Druids, acted as intermediaries between the gods and the people. Sometimes participated in ritual dances and human sacrifice.

Celtic Stories Full of strong women Leap into the sunlight (no matter how much blood is spilled) Enchanted lands where magic and imagination rule

Romans: The Great Administrators Built a network of roads and a great defensive wall 73 miles long Christianity gradually took hold Evacuated from Britain, leaving roads, walls, villas, and great public baths, but no central government Angles, Saxons, and Jutes then arrived

Unifying Forces Alfred the Great helped England become politically unified through battles against invading Danes. Christianity gradually began to convert England, providing a common faith and common system of morality and right conduct. In 1066, William, duke of Normandy, successfully invaded England.

Anglo-Saxon Life Warfare – law and order were the responsibility of the leader of the group. Fame and success were gained only through loyalty to the leader, and success was measured in gifts from the leader. Lived in clusters of buildings protected by a fence. Community discussion and rule by consensus

Anglo-Saxon Religion Odin, the Norse god of death, was also called Woden, from which we have Wednesday, Woden’s day. Thor, the Norse god of thunder and lightening, is where we get Thursday, Thor’s day. Religion is concerned with the earthly virtues of bravery, loyalty, generosity, and friendship.

Bards: Singing of Gods and Heroes To the Anglo-Saxons, creating poetry was as important as fighting, hunting, farming, or loving. Poets sang to the strumming of a harp.

Hope in Immortal Verse For non-Christian Anglo-Saxons, whose religion offered them no hope of an afterlife, only fame and its commemoration in poetry could provide a defense against death. Bards, who preserved one’s fame, were honored members of Anglo-Saxon society.

Christian Monasteries Served as centers of learning Preserved the Latin and Greek classics, as well as great works of popular literature Monks spent almost all their daylight hours copying manuscripts by hand

Rise of the English Language Latin alone remained the language of serious study in England until the time of King Alfred. Alfred instituted the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a running history of England. English began to gain respect as a language of culture.