Office of Student and School Success “Ensure equality of outcome for Washington State’s 1.1 million students” Our Mission… Andrew E. Kelly Assistant Superintendent Monitoring Progress & Providing Ongoing Feedback 1
Learning Outcomes How schools and districts in Washington State use Indistar. How our office uses the reporting and monitoring features to monitor both school and district progress. How our Instructional and Leadership Coaches as well as our Educational Service District partners use the various “communication tools” to provide thorough, consistent, ongoing feedback.
The “Display Progress” Button: -access to school’s “Filing Cabinet” to retrieve uploaded documents (e.g. District supporting evidence, Title I SWP supplemental docs) -snapshot of last update within each phase
Web form: -Title I Schoolwide Plan Checklist of Uploaded Evidence to support supplemental evidence
The “Submitted Reports” Button: -access and track plan submission by school -incorporate data into MS Excel spreadsheet with additional data to track Action Plan Peer Review process
Administrative Reports: -access to aggregate reports and data query tool
The “Implementation Report”: -detailed information on indicators (by principle) that have been assessed, planned for, and achieved full implementation
The “Coaching Comment” feature: -ability for school coach to provide feedback and guidance to school leadership team. -comment is archived and viewable by SEA, instructional/regional coach, & district Coaching Comments serve multiple purposes: Formative feedback to provide pressure and support that moves improvement toward desired goals. Memorialize monthly coaching activities. Chronicle the schools journey of improvement. Provide suggestions, encouragement, and reminders.
The “Coaching Activity” Report: -track and retrieve coaching comments coaches submit to schools they’re supporting -monitor coach login activity
The “District Drill Down” Report: -shows progress within each phase by district
The “Progress Query” Report: -query tool that identifies schools/districts that have met certain criteria for variables specified in the query
Data Mining tool: -analyze the assessment, plan, or monitoring work completed for a specific school or district indicator
Coaches provide both affirmations and questions for each prompt: Has the leadership team responded to the feedback provided in the October 30 th Coaches’ Critique? Is the leadership team using a continuous improvement process by revisiting, revising, and growing their Action Plan? Does the Plan contain evidence of the work and progress of the school over the last five months? Does the Plan reflect the “real”/actual work and initiatives of the school this year? Has the Title I Schoolwide Plan checklist webform for Components 1,2,3,5 and 10 been completed and submitted? Has evidence for each of these Components been uploaded into the appropriate folders within Indistar? The “Coaching Critique” Form: -Enables the school’s coach to address a specific set of questions to analyze the school’s plan and push the school team’s thinking
The “Critique/Feedback” Report: -track and access Coaching Critique submitted by School Coach, as well as Professional Development
The “School & District Dashboards” Feature: -drill down into the school or district’s account to access specific reports
Filters on the “Comprehensive Report”: -use of the Indicator Filter to extract indicators in plan that align to specific indicators -use of the Activity Filter to analyze activity within specific time frame
Reviewable Web form: -Annual School Improvement Grant (SIG) Monitoring Report to convey actions and activities implemented -reviewable feature allows SEA to rate degree of implementation of each element, provide comments, and return to school until final draft is approved
Office of Student and School Success “Ensure equality of outcome for Washington State’s 1.1 million students” Our Mission… Andrew E. Kelly Assistant Superintendent Monitoring Progress & Providing Ongoing Feedback 18