Where Do I Find It and What Do I Do With It? Allene Begley Curto Springfield College School of Human Services
What Are the Tools? Your bookshelf (hard copy and/or electronic) Your bookshelf (hard copy and/or electronic) Web sites Web sites News Updates News Updates Listserves Listserves FA Associations and Conferences FA Associations and Conferences Webinars Webinars
Bookshelf FSA Handbook FSA Handbook Application and Verification Guide (AVG) Application and Verification Guide (AVG) SAR/ISIR Guide SAR/ISIR Guide Policy and Procedures Manual Policy and Procedures Manual IRS Publication 17 IRS Publication 17 EdPubs EdPubs
Web Sites Web Sites IFAP IFAP NSLDS NSLDS DL (borrowers) DL (borrowers) IRS IRS NASFAA NASFAA Regional Associations, ex: Regional Associations, ex: State Associations, ex: State Associations, ex:
More Web sites…. Selective Service Selective Service Americorps Americorps VA – GI Bill VA – GI Bill AACRAO AACRAO FinAid FinAid
...and look for even MORE Web Sites! Servicer sites Servicer sites Lender sites Lender sites Guarantor sites Guarantor sites ELM ELM Lumina Foundation Lumina Foundation CAEL (Council for Adults and Experiential Learning) CAEL (Council for Adults and Experiential Learning)
NEWS UPDATES Inside Higher ED Inside Higher ED Chronicle of Higher Education Chronicle of Higher Education IFAP weekly digest and Electronic Announcements IFAP weekly digest and Electronic Announcements NASFAA NEWS NASFAA NEWS
LISTSERVES IFAP notices IFAP notices NASFAA NASFAA Regional Association Regional Association State Association State Association FAMS FAMS Finaid-L Finaid-L
WEBINARS Attend? Attend? Access later? Access later? Get someone else to attend and pick their brain? Get someone else to attend and pick their brain?
IFAP IFAP IFAP FSA Handbook FSA Handbook Announcements Announcements Worksheets and Tools Worksheets and Tools Trainings Trainings Links Links EdPubs EdPubs
THE BASICS OF NSLDS What do we see on NSLDS? What do we see on NSLDS? How is data sent and received? How is data sent and received? Loans Loans Grants Grants Enrollment Enrollment Transfer Monitoring Transfer Monitoring NSLDS Exit Counseling NSLDS Exit Counseling
THE BASICS OF NSLDS Loans Loans Aggregate limits Annual Limits Loan Periods Pending Disbursements Grants Grants Pell ACG/Smart Iraq/Afghanistan Service Grant?
THE BASICS OF NSLDS Enrollment Enrollment Reporting Enrolled at other school Transfer Monitoring Transfer Monitoring Adding records Reviewing Records NSLDS Exit Counseling NSLDS Exit Counseling
Data Sources Schools Schools US Department of Education US Department of Education Guarantee Agencies Guarantee Agencies Lenders Lenders Loan Servicers Loan Servicers Student Loan Clearinghouse Student Loan Clearinghouse
Organization Contact Information It is important to keep your contacts up to date on the NSLDS Organization Contact List Page NSLDS uses Contacts from this page for important notifications
NSLDS Transfer Monitoring NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Process Q: Who do you add? A: Everyone who is not a freshman who never attended before! Who Reviews? Updated Wednesday night so check Thursday am!
Help! There’s an Alert! Monitor the Pell and loan amounts Monitor the Pell and loan amounts Reduce the Pell or loan at your school if necessary Reduce the Pell or loan at your school if necessary Other school should be contacted if student disputes amount of Pell or loan received at other school Other school should be contacted if student disputes amount of Pell or loan received at other school Check COD – may be more current than NSLDS! Check COD – may be more current than NSLDS!
NSLDS Exit Counseling NSLDS Newsletter # 26 NSLDS Newsletter # 26 Official/Current Record of ALL Federal loans Official/Current Record of ALL Federal loans Introduces student to the NSLDS site Introduces student to the NSLDS site Repayment Calculators Repayment Calculators Links to loan Holders (where available) Links to loan Holders (where available) School can get Reports School can get Reports Automatic Compliance Updates Automatic Compliance Updates
NSLDS Postscreenings Aggregate Limits Aggregate Limits Overpayments Overpayments Defaults Defaults Discharges Discharges Bankruptcies Bankruptcies
NSLDS Postscreenings Review all CPS generated ISIRs Review all CPS generated ISIRs Review NSLDS record on postcreenings with a “negative” message Review NSLDS record on postcreenings with a “negative” message Resolve the issue(s)! Resolve the issue(s)! Default(s) added/cleared Satisfactory repayment added/removed Exceeded subsidized or combined aggregate/No longer exceeding
Keys to Success! Review NSLDS data on ISIR, NSLDS postscreenings and NSLDS transfer monitoring Review NSLDS data on ISIR, NSLDS postscreenings and NSLDS transfer monitoring Review electronic announcements and new postings on IFAP at least weekly Review electronic announcements and new postings on IFAP at least weekly Make the FSA Handbook your friend Make the FSA Handbook your friend Use your FAMS Use your FAMS Monitor, monitor, monitor Monitor, monitor, monitor Document, document, document Document, document, document
RESOURCES Network with peers Network with peers Document what you’re told! Auditors don’t accept “but Suzie said…!” Document what you’re told! Auditors don’t accept “but Suzie said…!” Check out the web sites to which you send students! Check out the web sites to which you send students! Check out your own web site! What are you telling them? What are others telling them? Check out your own web site! What are you telling them? What are others telling them?
Questions? Allene Begley Curto Associate Director of Financial Aid Springfield College School of Human Services