WELCOME! SESC ISLN March 21, 2013
Today’s Agenda Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness Teacher Leadership Network Updates Summer ISLN Conference information Guest Speaker: Buddy Berry District Reflections Materials: isln.html
Leadership Network Vision Every school district in the Commonwealth of Kentucky has a knowledgeable and cohesive leadership team that guides the professional learning and practice of all administrators, teachers, and staff so that every student experiences highly effective teaching, learning and assessment practices in every classroom, every day. 3
Leadership Network Goal All participants will understand how to translate Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards into clear learning targets in order to design high quality formative and summative assessments and to plan/select rigorous and congruent learning experiences. 4 Leadership Network Goal
Centered Around 4 Pillars 1. Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards (KCAS) 2. Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning (CHETL) 3. Assessment Literacy 4. Leadership Capacity
Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Mike York
Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Becky Galloway
Teacher Leadership Network Updates Robin Hebert, ELA Renee’ Yates, Math
ELA Teacher Leader Network DATE CHANGE: Thursday, March 28 LOCATION CHANGE: Corbin Technology Center Participate in jurying of LDC modules TPGES : 1e, 3d, 3e Wrap Up Grade Band work
Ted Talk ng-the-presentation-paradigm-in-6-minutes- 40-seconds-pecha-kucha/22807 Pecha Kucha ident&mid=287655C1F511290E C1F E6696&view=detail&FORM=VIRE2
Ted Talk ng-the-presentation-paradigm-in-6-minutes- 40-seconds-pecha-kucha/22807 Pecha Kucha ident&mid=287655C1F511290E C1F E6696&view=detail&FORM=VIRE2
Math Teacher Leader Network Meeting March 26, 2013 Participate in “District Reflection Showcase” TPGES – Student Voice – Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities reflect on teaching 4A participating in a professional community 4D Wrap Up Grade Band work
IMPORTANT DATES A message for summer ISLN. JUNE
Consider this… Does every single student in every single school in your district have what they need to be successful?
Successful in school…. in the workplace… In LIFE…?
For two days, we will look at building more creative, customized ways to address Leadership Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning CCSS/KCAS StandardsAssessment Literacy
It’s about creating a new kind of learning experience… and eliminating excuses
If kids are going to invent our future, we need to the way our students are learning.
We made a promise. Let’s get together and keep it. iLead iLearn iTeach iReinvent iPromise
ISLN/KLA SUMMER CONFERENCE 2013 JUNE LEXINGTON CENTER Save the Date Twitter Hashtag: #kypromiseccr
ISLN/KLA SUMMER CONFERENCE 2013 JUNE LEXINGTON CENTER Save the Date Twitter Hashtag: #kypromiseccr
Guest Speaker Buddy Berry
Implementation Rubrics With your district’s team, discuss each indicator. Think about specific accomplishments your district has made. Agree on a rating for each indicator (“Not Yet Established” through “Moving Beyond”). Circle the descriptor. Turn in Math and ELA copies of your completed rubric today-one copy per district.
Math & ELA Rubrics by Districts Complete each rubric for your district before you leave. Mark the level that best represents your district for each row.
Today’s Agenda Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness Teacher Leadership Network Updates Summer ISLN Conference information Guest Speaker: Buddy Berry District Reflections Materials: isln.html
Thanks for being here! Don’t forget to fill out the evaluation and leave it on your table.