Cameron Cardow / Cagle Cartoons 1
Paresh Nath / The Khaleej Times, UAE 2
Cagle Cartoons 3
David Pope, Twitter 4
Tom Janssen / The Netherlands 5
Marian Kamensky / Slovakia 6
Rainer Hachfeld / Neues Deutschland, Germany 7
Steve Sack / Minneapolis Star Tribune 8
Bob Englehart / Hartford Courant 9
Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle 10
John Cole / Scranton Times Tribune 11
Pat Bagley / Salt Lake Tribune 12
Joep Bertrams / The Netherlands 13
Cameron Cardow / Cagle Cartoons 14
Chris Britt / Creators Syndicate 15
Signe Wilkinson / Philadelphia Daily News 16
Marshall Ramsey / Creators Syndicate 17
Patrick Chappatte / International New York Times 18
Frederick Deligne / Nice-Matin, France 19
Kap / Spain 20
R.J. Matson / Cagle Cartoons 21
Daryl Cagle / Cagle Cartoons 22
Nate Beeler / Columbus Dispatch 23
Daryl Cagle / 24
David Fitzsimmons / Arizona Star 25
Frederick Deligne / Nice-Matin, France 26
Tom Janssen / The Netherlands 27
Hajo de Reijger / The Netherlands 28
Petar Pismestrovic / Kleine Zeitung, Austria 29
Adam Zyglis / Buffalo News 30
Nick Anderson / Houston Chronicle 31
Lisa Benson / Victorville Daily Press 32
Michael Ramirez / Investor's Business Daily 33
Mike Luckovich / Atlanta Journal-Constitution 34
Tom Toles / Washington Post 35
Washington Post cartoonist /AnnTelnae 39
Bouletcorp 42
Cartoon by Nick Abadzis 43
Michael De Adder 47
Sue Dewar, Sun Media 48
Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator 49
Christian Daigle, Yahoo Quebec 50
Brian Gable, The Globe and Mail 51
Brian Gable, The Globe and Mail 52
Brian Gable, The Globe and Mail 53
01/08/2015 王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.C All photos were taken from The Denver Post,Internet. THE END 54