¿Quién soy YO? Who am I? A presentation by: Jessica Contreras, LGSW Alfredo Santiago
¿Quién soy YO? I. Welcome II. Who are we talking about anyway? III. Activity IV. What we’ve learned in our practice. Discussion on risk factors and Latino Males a. Family composition b. Coping in a new country c. School attachment d. Ethnic identity IV. Recommendations V. Conclusion/questions and answers
¿Quién soy YO? The activity Five words that describe you Five words that describe you Five words that describe your gender Five words that describe your gender Five words that describe your race Five words that describe your race Five words that describe your class Five words that describe your class
¿Quién soy YO? Who are we talking about What do we know about Hispanics/Latinos? What do we know about Hispanics/Latinos? What questions do you have? What questions do you have? The Baltimore experience The Baltimore experience –New immigrants –The “Si Puedo” Program
¿Quién soy YO? Coping in a new country Assimilation Assimilation Sports/soccer leagues Sports/soccer leagues Cultural events Cultural events Places of worship Places of worship Men: drugs and alcohol Men: drugs and alcohol
¿Quién soy YO? Family Composition 65% of Latino youth live in two parent household 65% of Latino youth live in two parent household 40% live in poverty 40% live in poverty Complex family make up Complex family make up Living arrangements Living arrangements Immigration status and families Immigration status and families Concept of “Familism” Concept of “Familism” Gender specific roles - ”Machismo”-Few opportunities to express feelings Gender specific roles - ”Machismo”-Few opportunities to express feelings
¿Quién soy YO? School attachment Ethnic and same group conflict Ethnic and same group conflict Impact of interrupted education Impact of interrupted education School make-up and educational opportunities School make-up and educational opportunities Undocumented students Undocumented students Schools using community agencies Schools using community agencies Concept of family support Concept of family support Complexity of supporting parent groups Complexity of supporting parent groups
¿Quién soy YO? Ethnic Identity Becoming Hispanic? Becoming Hispanic? Ethnicity or race? Ethnicity or race? What country are you from? What country are you from?
Latino Ethnic Identity Development (modified from “Black Racial Identity Dev’t”) Ego-Status 1. Pre-encounter 2. Encounter 3. Immersion-Emersion 4. Internalization Characterized By 1. Idealization of Whites & Whiteness Denigration of Latinos & Latino Culture. Denigration of Latinos & Latino Culture. 2. Rejection of White culture. Beginning of search for Latino culture. Beginning of search for Latino culture. 3. Withdrawal into Latino world. Embracing of stereotypical image of a Latino. Embracing of stereotypical image of a Latino. Denigration of Whiteness. Denigration of Whiteness. 4. Internally defined positive Latino identity. Transcendence of racism. Transcendence of racism. Acceptance of positive aspects of White Culture. Acceptance of positive aspects of White Culture.
¿Quién soy YO? Recommendations/other items: Get to know the individual. Get to know the individual. Persecutory anxiety Persecutory anxiety Create activities to share who they are. Create activities to share who they are. Know what you don’t know. “I don’t see color.” Know what you don’t know. “I don’t see color.” Learn more about Intent vs. Impact. Learn more about Intent vs. Impact. Do no use kids as interpreters. Do no use kids as interpreters. “Si Puedo” and giving language and space to express feelings. “Si Puedo” and giving language and space to express feelings. Have a high expectation of student achievement. Have a high expectation of student achievement.
¿Quién soy YO? ¿Preguntas?