2008-09 Latino/Hispanic Status Report Marcia Gumpertz Interim Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion September 2009


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Presentation transcript:

Latino/Hispanic Status Report Marcia Gumpertz Interim Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion September 2009

Purpose of the Status Report Monitor the status and trends of Latino/Hispanic students and faculty presence, performance and success. Provide information and analysis to the senior campus leadership Assess our progress, pinpoint where we have been successful, where changes are needed Inform decisions on policy and practice

Status Report Highlights Undergraduate Students –Applications, Admissions –Retention, Graduation rates Graduate Students –Admissions – Masters and Doctoral Programs –Masters and Doctoral Degrees Conferred Faculty –5-year trends, by tenure status

Status of Hispanic/Latino Undergraduate Students

Fall Freshman Applications and Admissions – Hispanic/Latino

Note: Race and Ethnicity categories for domestic students were changed for year. In Fall 2009 Check one: Are you Hispanic or Latino? – yes, no If you check “yes”, you are counted as Hispanic no matter what else you check. And then Check one or more: Black or African American, Asian, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White If you are not counted as Hispanic, you are counted as one of these, “not specified” or “2 or more races”.

Hispanic Students as Percent of Total Applications, Admissions, Enrolled Freshmen – Fall Semester

Admission Rate (Admitted/Applied) and Yield (Enrolled/Admitted) of Hispanic/Latino Freshmen

Demographics of Enrolled Freshmen – Fall

Observations Using the new coding scheme, Hispanic students account for about 5% of applications and 4% of admitted students. Hispanic representation in public schools has increased from 0.5% in to 10.1% in Admission rate (Accepted/Applied) is a bit lower (45%) than the overall admission rate (56%). Yield (Enrolled/Admitted) is similar to other groups

2008 NC College-Readiness public high schools – Hispanic 5% of public high school class in NC 4% of AP Test Takers (976 students) 4% of AP scores > 3 5% of NCSU applicants 4% of admitted freshmen 2008 NCSU College Preparation Entering Freshman High School GPA: Average HS GPA=4.17, which means most students had taken some AP, IB, or honors courses.

Retention of 2005 Freshman Cohort Percent returning after 1,2, 3 years

Numbers of Enrolled Undergraduates – Fall

Six-Year Graduation Rates

Number of Bachelor’s Degrees Conferred to Hispanic Students

Graduate Students

Hispanic/Latino Graduate Admissions 2% 3%

Numbers of Enrolled Graduate Students – Fall

Number of Graduate Degrees Conferred to Hispanic Students Doctorates Masters1% 2%

What We Are Doing to Increase the Enrollment and Success of Hispanic Graduate Students? Graduate School Diversity Enhancement Grants Bridging Programs for Graduate Students Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity: Funded by NIH to recruit and retain graduate and undergraduate students majoring in biomedical, behavioral, and veterinary medicine. Funds graduate students and provides work-study and research experience for undergraduates. Bridge to the Doctorate : NSF Funds 2-year fellowships for 12 graduate students in engineering and sciences

Hispanic/Latino Faculty

Number of Hispanic/Latino Faculty 1.1% 2.5% 3.6% 2.3% 3% 2.9%

Hispanic Faculty Changes 2007 Left the University: 1 T retired Hired: 3 TT, 1 T 2008 Left the University: 1 TT resigned Hired: 2 TT, 3 T

Hispanic PhD Pool Selected Fields % of PhDs granted to US Citizens, 2006 % of TT Asst Professors, NCSU 2008 Life Sciences 261/6014 = 4.3%5/88 = 5.7% Phys Sciences 116/3315 = 3.5%0/41 Social Sciences 327/4872 = 6.7%CHASS: 0/64 Engineering 101/2185 = 4.6%0/45 Education 279/4974 = 5.6%1/28 = 3.6% Humanities 210/4063 = 5.2%CHASS: 0/64

Initiatives to Increase the Pipeline and Improve the Climate Building Future Faculty Program: Professional development workshop for diverse graduate students preparing for academic careers. Funded by NSF AGEP and the College of Engineering. Developing Diverse Departments: Funded by the NSF Advance program to increase the representation of women faculty and faculty of color Target of Opportunity Hire Program

Hispanic/Latino Status Report Summary Latino population in NC has grown rapidly to about 10% in public schools and about 5% of high school class. Proportions of applications and enrolled freshman are similar to representation in high school class and in AP test takers in NC Admission rate is a bit lower than overall. Not clear why. Yield is similar to other groups. Since 2000: new freshmen increased 67% from 67 to 112 bachelors degrees increased 69% from 70 to 118 Undergraduate retention similar to white students. 6-year graduation rate is lower (59%) than the overall rate (71%)

Hispanic/Latino Status Report Summary Graduate degrees increasing, but number of masters degrees seems low. Number of doctoral degrees ranges from 0 to 8 per year Number of tenured faculty has increased steadily from 11 in 2003 to 26 in 2008 Tenure track faculty increased past 3 years but decreased before that. Most are in life sciences. Many more NTT Hispanic faculty than TT Hispanic faculty retention is good

Sources: NCSU University Planning and Analysis websites NCSU Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid College Bound Seniors research/sat/cb-seniors research/sat/cb-seniors-2008 College Board AP Summary Reports: eports/09_0467_St_Report_NORTHCAROLINA_X 1a_ pdf eports/09_0467_St_Report_NORTHCAROLINA_X 1a_ pdf Survey of Earned Doctorates octorates.htm octorates.htm a/ a/