Hispanic Market Report 1 TVB Marketing
Hispanic Market Overview 2 Section 1 Hispanic Profile & the Importance of Language Population Age Income Education Language Section 1 Hispanic Profile & the Importance of Language Population Age Income Education Language Section 3 Geographic Profile & Buying Power Top 20 Hispanic Markets Discretionary Income by Region & Market Section 3 Geographic Profile & Buying Power Top 20 Hispanic Markets Discretionary Income by Region & Market Section 2 Financial Attitudes MRI Investments & Credit Cards Pew Hispanic Study 1/26/12 Financial Outlook of Foreign Born vs. Native Born Section 2 Financial Attitudes MRI Investments & Credit Cards Pew Hispanic Study 1/26/12 Financial Outlook of Foreign Born vs. Native Born Section 4 Advertising & Media Choices Advertising Spending Advertising Attitudes Section 4 Advertising & Media Choices Advertising Spending Advertising Attitudes Section 5 Hispanic Media Usage TV Usage Generational Preferences Network Viewership Interactive Media Usage Social Media Section 5 Hispanic Media Usage TV Usage Generational Preferences Network Viewership Interactive Media Usage Social Media
The Hispanic Market U.S. Hispanic population is now 50.5 million, 16.3% of the country. More than 23% of American children are Hispanic. The Hispanic media market is growing faster than the general market, with spending up by 8.4% to $6.8 billion in 2010, compared to +6.5% for all U.S. media. 38 of the 50 largest Hispanic marketers increased their ad spending, with 29% up by double digits. Spanish-language TV bounced back as the U.S. ad market recovered – spot (+17.4%), network (+8.6%), and cable (+3%) were all up. Hispanics are sophisticated, wireless consumers, with 44.7% using smartphones, compared to 31.9% of non-Hispanics. All of the current marketing information confirms that Hispanics are key to marketing in America. 3 Source: Hispanic Fact Pack 2011 from Advertising Age
Hispanic Profile Why Is Language Important?
5 Languages Spoken Inside the Home All Hispanic Origin Adults 18+ Source: 2010 Doublebase Mediamark Research & Intelligence; Weighted to Population (000) – Base: Total Adults of Hispanic Origin 49%
Generational – Language Preferred By Adults Inside the Home Only Spanish Mostly Spanish Both Spanish & English equally Mostly English English Only Source: Experian/Simmons National Hispanic Consumer Study from Hispanic Fact Pack 2011, Advertising Age Percent of All Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 1 – Born outside of the U.S. Generation 2 – Born in the U.S. but with at least one foreign-born parent Generation 3 – Born in the U.S. with two U.S. born parents 62% 86%36% 23% Percents
Ethnic Demographics 7 Source: U.S. Census Bureau data from Hispanic Fact Pack 2011, Advertising Age Total Population = Million White Hispanic 50.5 African-American 37.7 In Millions All Other 3.3 Asian or More Races 6.0
Hispanic Profile Ages: Adults Adults Adults Adults Adults Adults Household Income: $100, $75, $60, $50, $40, $30, Source: 2010 Doublebase Mediamark Research & Intelligence; Weighted to Population (000) – Base: Total Adults of Hispanic Origin OnlyMostlyBothMostly Only EnglishEnglishEnglish/Spanish SpanishSpanish Index Based on All Adults of Hispanic Origin and Language Spoken Inside the Home
Hispanic Profile by Age Groups 9 Source: U.S. Census Bureau Population Data 2010 Total Hispanic Population= 50.5 Million
Hispanic Profile Children: Any Education: Graduated College Attended College Graduated H.S No College Residence: Own Home Rent Source: 2010 Doublebase Mediamark Research & Intelligence; Weighted to Population (000) – Base: Total Adults of Hispanic Origin OnlyMostlyBothMostly Only EnglishEnglishEnglish/Spanish SpanishSpanish Index Based on All Adults of Hispanic Origin and Language Spoken Inside the Home
Financial Attitudes & Patterns Why Language is Important
Hispanic Financial Outlook Only 24% rate their personal finance as excellent or good, compared with 38% of the general public. 67% say they expect their financial situation to improve over the next year, compared with 58% of the general population who say the same. 66% say they expect their children to eventually enjoy a standard of living that is better than theirs is now, compared to 48% of the general public with that opinion. 49% delayed or canceled plans to buy a car or make some other major purchase. 45% delayed or canceled plans to buy a home or make major home improvements. 37% had trouble getting or paying for medical care for their family. 12 Source: Pew Hispanic Center Study 1/26/12
Hispanics’ Views of the Economy and Their Own Personal Finances Percent who say economy has hurt Hispanics more than any other groups54% Percent who had household member unemployed and looking for work in last year59% Percent who say personal finances are in “only fair” or “poor” shape75% Percent who canceled or delayed plans to make major purchases in past year49% Percent of homeowners who are underwater on their mortgage28% 13 Financial Issues Percent Source: Pew Hispanic Center Study 1/26/12
Financial Outlook of Native-Born and Foreign-Born Hispanics Percent who say Hispanics have been hurt more by the economy in the last 4 years45%52% Percent saying personal financial situation is “excellent” or “good”32%16% Percent saying personal financial situation for them and their family will improve in next year71%63% Percent who say their children will be better off59%72% 14 Financial Issues Native-Born Foreign-Born Source: Pew Hispanic Center Study 1/26/12
Hispanic Profile Financial: Have Personally Savings Account Interest Checking Money Market IRA K Plan-College Savings Plan Own Any Stock Own Any Investments Credit Cards: Standard MasterCard Classic Visa Amex Green Discover Source: 2010 Doublebase Mediamark Research & Intelligence; Weighted to Population (000) – Base: Total Adults of Hispanic Origin OnlyMostlyBothMostly Only EnglishEnglishEnglish/Spanish SpanishSpanish Index Based on All Adults of Hispanic Origin and Language Spoken Inside the Home
Geographic Profile & Regional Buying Power
17 Top 20 Hispanic Markets Albuquerque LA SF Sacramento Chicago Dallas Houston San Antonio Harlingen DC. Phila. NY Miami Phoenix El Paso San Diego Fresno Denver Orlando Tampa Source: The Nielsen Company, Universe Estimates for
Top 20 Hispanic Markets Top Hispanic DMAs Hispanic TV Homes % of Market Top Hispanic DMAs Hispanic TV Homes % of Market Los Angeles1,876, %Sacramento281, % New York1,345, %Albuquerque266, % Miami-Ft. Lauderdale 730, %San Diego254, % Houston607, %Fresno254, % Chicago511, %El Paso243, % Dallas-Ft. Worth 504, %Denver237, % San Antonio422, %Philadelphia232,1507.8% San Francisco414, %Orlando225, % Phoenix350, %Washington, DC 216,4709.2% Harlingen308, %Tampa213, % 18 Source: The Nielsen Company, Universe Estimates for
Discretionary Spending By Region and Market 19 Rank U.S. Census Region Hispanic Spending (millions) % of Region 1South$51, West$47, Midwest$16, Northeast$14, Total U.S. Hispanic$129, Rank Selected DMA Hispanic Spending (millions) % of DMA 1Los Angeles$16, New York$11, Miami$8, Chicago$5, Houston$5, Dallas$5, San Francisco$3, San Antonio$3, Washington$2, Source: Experian/Simmons National Hispanic Consumer Study Feb 2010-March 2011, Households by region and market 2011
Advertising to the Hispanic Market Media Choices
Hispanic Major Media Ad Spending 21 Medium2009 ($000)2010 ($000)% Change% of TotalProperties Total TV$4,361$4, %70.5%68 Newspapers$754$ %10.4%832 Magazines$300$ %5.0%513 Other print$32$30-6.3%0.4%530 Subtotal Print$1,086$1, %15.8%1,875 Spot Radio$564$5986.0%8.7%83 Internet$303$ %4.9%NA Grand Total$6,314$6,8428.4%100.0%NA Source: Kantar Media
Attitudes Toward Marketing and Advertising Spanish language labeling on Products helps me select what I want17%60% I Remember more about or pay more Attention to the product/services that are Advertised in Spanish12%57% Spanish language advertising is important to me Because it’s the best source of information for Making purchasing decisions10%51% When I hear a company advertise in Spanish, It makes me feel like they respect my heritage and Want my business29%57% I am much more loyal towards companies that show appreciation for our culture by advertising in Spanish26%53% 22 Percent Who Agree English Dominant Spanish Dominant Source: Experian/Simmons National Hispanic Consumer Study Feb 2010-March 2011 data
Hispanic Media Usage
Language in Which Media is Consumed 24 Percents Source: Experian/Simmons National Hispanic Consumer Study Feb 2010-March 2011 data, Hispanic Fact Pack 2011, Advertising Age
Generational – Language Preferred By Adults When Watching TV English Only Mostly English Mostly Spanish34112 Only Spanish244<1 When Online English Only Mostly English27257 Mostly Spanish226<1 Only Spanish28<1<1 25 Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 1 – Born outside of the U.S. Generation 2 – Born in the U.S. but with at least one foreign-born parent Generation 3 – Born in the U.S. with two U.S. born parents Source: Experian/Simmons National Hispanic Consumer Study Feb 2010-March 2011 data, Hispanic Fact Pack 2011, Advertising Age Percents
Hispanic TV Network Viewership Rank NetworkHH RatingHH (000)HH ShareP2+ Viewers 1Univision15.02,006253,173 2Telemundo ,352 3FOX ABC Telefutura CBS NBC CW Azteca America Estrella TV PBS Ion Television Source: Nielsen based on Hispanic primetime viewership from 7pm to 11pm 4/25 – 5/29/11. Rating is % of Hispanic TV
Largest Web Properties Among Hispanic Users 27 RankProperty Unique Visitors In Thousands Percent Reach* Hispanic Composition Percent Index 1Univision Communications3, %71.9% 1,035 2Yahoo en Espanol1, %81.8% 1,178 3Terra-Telefonica1, %57.5% 827 4MSN Latino1, %81.2% 1,169 5Televisa Ineractive Media9636.4%78.3% 1,127 6AOL Latino7234.8%53.8% 774 7Orange Sites6364.2%46.1% 663 8Batanga5813.9%38.7% 557 9Musica.com5803.9%70.6% 1,016 10ImpreMedia Network3922.6%83.2% 1,197 Source: Comscore May Microsoft sites28, %**15.8% 108 2Google sites26, %**14.8% 101 3Yahoo sites26, %**14.0% 96 4Facebook.com22, %**14.5% 99 5AOL13, %**12.0% % of Internet Users are Hispanic, 15.8% of Microsoft visitors are Hispanic **Reach is percent of all Hispanic internet users (31.7 Million) *Reach is percent of Hispanic Spanish primary/bi-lingual internet users (15 Million)
Largest Social Networking Sites Among All Hispanic Internet Users by Reach 28 RankProperty Unique Visitors In Thousands Percent Reach Hispanic Composition Percent Index 1Facebook22, %14.5% 99 2My Space5, %16.0% 109 3Windows Live Profile3, %31.2% 213 4Twitter3, %12.5% 86 5Linkedlin2,9649.3%8.9% 61 6Yahoo Pulse2,1796.9%14.4% 98 7DevianArt1,4184.5%11.6% 79 8MyLife sites1,3694.3%11.0% 75 9Tumblr1,0313.3%9.6% 66 10Badoo7452.3%68.7% 468 Source: Comscore’s May’ 2011