Prepared by CSN Institutional Research November 8, 2012
Financial Aid recipients include need/non-need based aid, loans, grants and scholarships Pell eligibility depends solely on need and is based on Expected Family Contribution
Financial Aid requires students to declare themselves as degree/certificate seeking Declaration of intent is part of the admissions process
Fall 2012* - Enrollment by Academic Plan Hispanic StudentsAll Students Headcount% of TotHeadcount% of Tot Degree/Certificate-Seeking7,90187%32,16886% Not degree/certificate-seeking (Personal Enrichment) 1,15413%5,34814% Total Population9,055 37,516
Fall 2012* - Top Academic Plans - Hispanic Students Academic Plan Hispanic Students Acad Plan Rank of ALL Students Headcount % of Hispanic DCS AA (Associate of Arts, no emphasis) %1 AB (Associate of Business)5216.6%3 PRENUR-AGS (Pre-nursing, Associate of General Studies) %2 AS (Associate of Science, no emphasis)4325.5%4 Associate of Arts - Criminal Justice3154.0%7 All Other Degree/Certificate-seeking % Total Degree/Certificate-seeking 7901
Source: IPEDS Completions Number of students who complete a certificate of achievement or associate degree between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012