October 2013 CENSUS 2010 REVEALED.  Demographic Trends  Challenges & Opportunities  Discussion.


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Presentation transcript:

October 2013 CENSUS 2010 REVEALED

 Demographic Trends  Challenges & Opportunities  Discussion

The South Continues To Rise The South Continues To Rise...Again!

Years U.S. Absolute Population Change South’s Absolute Population Change South’s Share of Change ,974,129 8,468,30327% ,123,138 9,339,45533% ,886,12815,598,27930% ,497,94722,650,56350% ,035,66529,104,81449%

Region 2010 Population Absolute Population Change, Percent Population Change, U.S.309,050,81626,884,9729.5% Northeast55,417,3111,753,9783.3% Midwest66,972,8872,480,9983.0% South114,404,43513,845, % West72,256,1838,774, % North Carolina9,458,8881,378, %

Region Absolute Population ChangePercent of Total UNITED STATES26,884, NORTHEAST1,753, MIDWEST2,480, SOUTH13,845, WEST8,774,

NortheastMidwestSouthWest Total-1,032-2,008+2, Black Hispanic Elderly Foreign born = Net Import= Net Export

Legal Immigrants: : 206,000 annually : 561,000 annually : 800,654 annually : 879,400 annually : 1,137,000 annually Refugees, Parolees, Asylees : 2.1 million (65,000 annually) : 428,361 (85,672 annually) : 487,386 (81,231 annually) : 203,642 (75,661 annually) Illegal Immigrants: 300,000 to 400,000 annually over the past two decades Three million granted amnesty in million illegal immigrants remained in U.S. after 1986 reforms October 1996: INS estimated that there were 5 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. August 2005: Illegal population range from 7 to 15 million.

YearAll ClassesExchange Visitors Academic & Vocational Students ,756,903108,023 (1%)271,861 (2%) 19859,539,880141,213 (1%)285,496 (3%) ,574,055214,644 (1%)355,207 (2%) ,640,540241,364 (1%)395,480 (2%) ,690,082351,743 (1%)699,953 (2%) ,824,088389,435 (1%)741,921 (2%) ,907,139370,176 (1%)687,506 (2%) ,781,330360,777(1%)656,373(2%) ,381,928506,138 (1%)917,373(2%)

Source: Center for Immigration Studies; U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey

Race2009 Population Absolute Change 2000 – 2009 Percentage Change Total307,806,55024,834, Non-Hispanic258,587,22612,057, White199,851,2404,088, Black37,681,5443,276, AI/AN2,360,807256, Asian Asian13,686,0833,233, NH/PI NH/PI448,51079, or More Races 2 or More Races4,559,0421,123, Hispanic48,419,32412,776,

Race Absolute Change Percent of Total Total24,834, Non-Hispanic12,057, White4,088, Black3,276, American Indian256, Asian Asian3,233, Native Hawaiian Native Hawaiian79, Two or More Races Two or More Races1,123, Hispanic12,776,

Race/Ethnicity White67%47% Blacks12.8%13% Hispanics14%29% Asian5%9% Source: Pew Research Center, 2008 *projected.

Group 2009 Enrollment 2000 Enrollment Absolute Change Percent Change Share of Net Change Total1,427,9601,268,422159, % AI/AN 20,378 18,651 1, % Black 444, ,712 51, % Asian 35,140 23,576 11, % Hispanic 152,605 56,232 96, % White 774, ,251- 1, Source: DPI, The Statistical Profile Online

TotalPer-Capita Consumer Expenditures and Tax Contributors $9.2b$15,130 Cost of Essential Services$817m$1,360 Net Benefit$8.3b$13,770 Benefit-Cost Ratio$ $1.00--

23 /22

US Hispanics are the 15 th largest consumer market in the world: $1.2 trillion in purchasing power. US Hispanic population grew from 9.6 million to 50.5 million from 1970 to /22 “Datos 2012”. Arizona State University million million million million

25 /22

North Carolina’s exports to Mexico have increased 261.1%. Those to the rest of the world: 118.1%. Mexico is the 3 rd largest export market for NC. North Carolina is the 18 th exporter to Mexico. In 2011, North Carolina’s exports to Mexico reached $2 billion, an increase of $1,322 mill from /22 IPC January, 2012

Immigrants represent 9.9% of the state’s workforce in 2010 (478,301 workers) Sales and receipts of $4.2 billion 2010 purchasing power of NC’s Latinos totaled $14.2 billion – an increase of 1,601.2% since /22 U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners 2010.

North Carolina is the 9 th largest economy in the U.S., with a Gross State Product of $400 billion. NC is home to manufacturing facilities from 39 foreign countries. 206,700 workers in the State are employed by foreign-owned firms. 46% in manufacturing jobs. 28 /22 ThriveNC.com/International

Latinos in the USA and NC – There are 12.2 million registered voters for the past election. – 30.2% of immigrants (or 217,183 people) in North Carolina were naturalized U.S. citizens in – In NC; 102,461 are registered voters. Over 200,000 are eligible. IPC January, /22

North Carolina: 9,656,401 Total population 1,122,837 Hispanic/Latino residents (8.6 %) Wake County: 267,587 total population 36,077 Hispanic/Latino residents (7.4 %) Durham County: 273,392 total population 35,540 Hispanic/Latino residents (13.5 %) Orange County: 135,755 total population 10,996 Hispanic/Latino residents (8.1%) Mecklenburg County: 944,373 total population 113,324 Hispanic/Latino residents (12.4 %) 30 /22 US Census Bureau

– Immigrants comprised 9.9% of the state’s workforce in (478,301 workers). – Unauthorized immigrants comprised 5.4% of the state’s workforce in 2010 (or 250,000 workers). – If all unauthorized immigrants were removed, the state would lose: IPC January, 2012  $14.5 billion in economic activity.  $6.4 billion in gross state product.  101,414 jobs. 31 /22

 Latino population is expected to continue to grow.  NC is a large contributor to Mexico against the rest of the world, bring more growth to our area.  The Latino population has a large impact on our economy, locally, state, and nationally.  Are we planning for the growth in population?

J. David Marsee II (919) (919)