LFCC SENSE 09 Data Dave Urso John Milam March 23, 2010
LFCC Entering Student Characteristics
Benchmark Descriptions Early Connections: Strong, early connection to someone at the college High Expectations: Perceive clear, high expectations from college staff and faculty Clear Academic Plan and Pathway: Help to set academic goals and to create a plan for achieving them Effective Track to College Readiness: Ensure that students build academic skills and receive needed support Engaged Learning: Foster engaged learning Academic and Social Support Network: Personal network that enables students to obtain information about college services, along with the academic and social support
Overall LFCC Benchmark Scores
Benchmark Score Comparisons Characteristic Early Connections High Expectations & Aspirations Clear Academic Plan & Pathway Effective Track to College Readiness Engaged Learning Academic & Social Support Network LFCC Benchmark Score Cohort Colleges50.0 LFCC Difference Medium-size Colleges LFCC Difference Achieving the Dream schools LFCC Difference Attendance Status Part-Time Full-Time Developmental Status Developmental Non-Developmental Age Traditional College Nontraditional Parental Education First-Generation Not First-Generation Gender Male Female Race/Ethnicity White African American Asian Hispanic/Latino Native American Other
Early Connections Benchmark -55.2
Early Connections – Questions 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree The very first time I came to this college I felt welcome - Mean % strongly agree (SA), 0.2% strongly disagree (SD) The college provided me with adequate information about financial assistance (scholarships, grants, loans, etc.) - Mean % SA, 5.5% SD A college staff member helped me determine whether I qualified for financial assistance - Mean % SA, 11.8% SD At least one college staff member (other than an instructor) learned my name - Mean % SA, 13,4% SD A specific person was assigned to me so I could see him/her each time I needed information or assistance. (yes/no) – 33.7% yes
Interpreting Strengths & Opportunities NSOs are beneficial In-reach/Outreach and new personnel Financial Aid Sessions Career Coaches Internalizing SDV instructor’s pool Advertising in high schools (football programs, yearbooks) Maximize DE population transferring in to LFCC Creating a One Stop Shop
Clear Academic Plan & Pathway – 44.2
Clear Plan & Pathway – Questions 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree I was able to meet with an academic advisor at times convenient for me - Mean % SA, 2.1% SD An advisor helped me to select a course of study, program or major- Mean % SA, 8.3% SD An advisor helped me to set academic goals and to create a plan for achieving them - Mean % SA, 8.0% SD An advisor helped me to identify the courses I needed to take during my first semester/quarter - Mean % SA, 7.1% SD A college staff member talked with me about my commit- ments outside of school to help me figure out how many courses to take - Mean % SA, 12.6% SD
Interpreting Strengths & Opportunities Intrusive Developmental Advising Being accessible for non-traditional and first generation students that seek-out advising Assure students of resources – More SDV CCA 8 earlier in semester Address balancing outside commitments Minimize Self-Advising Prepare for increase in undecided/apathetic students
Engaged Learning Benchmark – 43.2
Engaged Learning – Questions 1=Never, 2=Once, 3=Two or Three, 4= Four or More Ask questions in class or contribute to class discussions - Mean % never, 20.2% four+ X Prepare at least two drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in - Mean % never, 5.7% four+ X Participate in supplemental instruction - Mean 1.29 – 78.5% never, 1.7% four+ X Work with other students on a project or assignment during class - Mean 2.45 – 16.4% never, 15.6% four+ X Work with classmates outside of class on class projects or assignments - Mean 1.43 – 66.6% never, 4.3% four+ X Participate in a required study group outside of class- Mean 1.11 – 90.7% never, 1.4% four+ X
Engaged Learning – Questions – pt. 2 1=Never, 2=Once, 3=Two or Three, 4= Four or More Participate in a student-initiated (not required) study group outside of class - Mean 1.16 – 87.1% never, 1.9% four+ X Use an electronic tool to communicate with another student about coursework - Mean 1.99 – 39.7% never, 18.7% four+ X Use an electronic tool to communicate with an instructor about coursework - Mean 2.09 – 35.3% never, 16.9% four+ X Discuss an assignment or grade with an instructor - Mean 2.02 – 32.3% never, 4.7% four+ X Ask for help from instructor regarding questions or problems related to a class - Mean 2.17 – 26.4% never, 8.4% four+ X Receive prompt written or oral feedback from instructors on your performance - Mean 2.33 – 23.7% never, 10.5% four+ X
Engaged Learning – Questions – pt. 3 1=Never, 2=Once, 3=Two or Three, 4= Four or More Discuss ideas from readings or classes with instructors outside of class - Mean 1.38 – 73.9% never, 2.7% four+ X Use face-to-face tutoring - Mean 1.09 – 94.3% never, 0.7% four+ X Use writing, math or other skill lab - Mean 1.21 – 87.6% never, 2.9% four+ X Use computer lab - Mean 1.58 – 64.0% never, 9.0% four+ X
Interpreting Strengths & Opportunities SLC – Resources – Miriam’s Involvement Student Life – Faculty Supplement – Clubs & Orgs Examples from SDV – Wooden Nickels – Critical Thinking Module – Internal instructor Pool CCSSE told us this, also Place a greater emphasis on engagement in the first 3 weeks of the semester
Overall LFCC Benchmark Scores
The Big Picture – Where Do We Go From Here? Engage Early – Design strategic interventions that emphasize establishing community and fostering relationships during the first 3 weeks of the semester. Promote Individual Attention – Effectively partner every student with an accessible resource that is committed to their success. Develop Critical Learners – Enhance the learning environment in ways that continue to challenge critical thinking and make students active participants in the learning process.
Closing thoughts… LFCC has committed to doing the CCSSE again in This gives us one year to do a focused implementation of several key concepts and evaluate their impact. The graduate student survey must be used more effectively to gauge the student experience in these areas and give us cost- effective chances to watch our progress. What is your interpretation and/or plan of action based on the results? Other questions, comments or ideas?