Section 3 HUD-Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity
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Covered Recipients Public and Indian Housing Housing and Community Development
Public and Indian Housing All PHAs* No minimum size No $ Threshold All contracts
Public and Indian Housing Give preference to Section 3 Persons and Businesses in training, employment, contracting, economic opportunities Use development, operating and modernization assistance… Applies regardless of size or number of units Applies to contractors awarded with PIH funds regardless of contract amount No Threshold
Housing and Community Development Assistance Recipients of HUD HCD Funds- $200,000 + Contractors/subcontractors of HUD HCD Funds-$100,000+ Perform Development, Renovation, Rehabilitation, Modernization Trigger Section 3 Responsibilities: Training, employment, contracting, economic opportunities with preference to Section 3 Residents and Section 3 Business Concerns
Housing and Community Development Funds Housing rehabilitation, new construction & other public construction Recipient Threshold= $200,000
Section 3 Resident Public Housing Resident Up to 80% Area Median Income What is a Section 3 Resident?
Section 3 Business Concern 51% Owner 30% FTE 25% Subcontract What is a Section 3 Business Concern?
Section 3 Business Registry:
Section 3 Requirements Residents Business Concerns Contractors Notification: Section 3 Clause Contracts: Training, Employment & Preference for Section 3 Residents Contracts and Preference for Section 3 Business Concerns Hiring/Awards: All Requirements: Documentation & Reporting
Measuring Compliance with Section 3 Greatest Extent Feasible Numerical Goals Best Efforts
Numerical Goals Employment of Section 3 Residents at all job levels 30% of total number of new hires
Numerical Goals Contracts to Section 3 Businesses At least 10% of the total dollar amount of all Section 3 contracts for building trades work At least 3% of the total dollar amount of all Section 3 contracts for non-construction work
Reporting Requirements Sub-recipients, contractors and sub-contractors report to Recipients Recipients Submit Form to HUD See HUD Section 3 website for certification forms!
More Resources:
NEW!! Section 3 Proposed Rule 60-day public comment period Go to