We Celebrate Having YOU Here! 2 CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education
CPS Strategic Priorities Common Core: By SY all students will have access to high quality Common Core-aligned curricula as defined by CPS Framework for Content Standards in literacy and mathematics. Framework for Teaching: By SY all educators will be supported by a clear vision for effective instruction as defined by the CPS Framework for Teaching. Full School Day: By SY all students will have access to core academics, intervention, and enrichment through a 7 hour school day CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 3
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) at a Glance Third largest school district in the nation 681 schools Elementary – 472 High school – 106 Charters – 96 Contract – 7 400,000+ students Latino – 44.1 % African American – 41.6% White – 8.8% Asian / Pacific Islander – 3.4% Native American - 0.4% Low Income – 87% 4 CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education
ELL Demographics in CPS There are 67,527 ELLs in CPS (16.5% of the population) 44% of CPS students come from a home where a language other than English is spoken There are over 100 different languages represented in CPS The number of ELLs continues to grow; however this growth is concentrated in specific areas of Chicago CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 5
Vision for ELLs in CPS ELLs achieve academically (grade level standards/expectations) ELLs achieve proficiency in English …with an additive approach: ELLs build proficiency in native language ELLs develop academic knowledge in their native language as well as English 6 CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education
ELLs in CPS by Network CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 7
ELLs in CPS by Language CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 8
Overview of Programs of Instruction for ELLs in CPS Transitional Bilingual Program of Instruction: 20 or more ELLs of the same language classification Transitional Programs of Instruction – 19 or less ELLs TBE and TPI programs across CPS vary greatly CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 9
Common Core and ELLs CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 10
CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 12
CCSS - Literacy CCSS-ELLs Good Start S Ownership
Scope and Sequence for the application of Common Core in teaching ELLs Q2Q3Q4Summer: June/July How are the key concepts presented by the Common Core used for developing English proficiency and content knowledge of ELLs? Developing common understanding of the CCSS and implications for ELLs Shifts in practice Text complexity High-quality, purposeful instruction Text Complexity and Shifts in Practice: Complex text in collaborative learning Annotation and Academic language Close Reading of Text and text dependent questions Text Complexity and Shifts in Practice: Review and process Q2 and Q3 content The role of complex text and academic language in teaching ELLs CCSS and ELD NEW: speaking and listening standards Develop oracy, content knowledge and academic language 14
How to Determine The Complexity of a Text Three-part model for determining text complexity 1.Quantitative 2.Qualitative 3.Reader and Task CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 15
Consider Relationships Across Reader and Task CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 16 ReaderTask MotivationKnowledgeExperienceComplexityPurpose
Reader & Task Relationship to Text Complexity Challenge Teachers have been directed to “match reader and text” based on readability level Yet … CCSS requires that ALL students engage in complex texts the span multiple genres So … What support will teachers need to be able to do both? CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 17
Language Proficiency Factors “Students identified as English language learners do additional cognitive work because they must attend both to the message of the text and to the necessary cognitive resources needed to make sense of a text written in a foreign or less familiar language” (Fisher & Frey, 2012) CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 18
CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 19 TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Focus Lesson Guided Instruction “I do it” “We do it” “You do it together” Collaborative Independent “You do it alone” A Structure for Instruction that Works
Comprehension and Collaboration 1. Prepare for and participate in collaborations with diverse partners, building on each others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. 20 CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education
Looking Back: Moving Ahead Expectations Expectations Instruction Understanding CCSS Read and become familiar with the standards and the structure Learn the origin and principles of the CCSS from the overview and introduction Learn the process for unpacking standards Understand the process of standards based planning Use CCSS and WIDA for unit planning CCSS and ELLs Learn the features of Text Complexity, implications for ELLs and application to classroom practice Learn the Gradual Release Model (GRR) Understand Collaborative Learning Understand the concept of Close Reading and scaffolding strategies for ELLs Align WIDA to CCSS Text Complexity, Close Reading of Text and Oracy within the GRR Continue to build on R.L & R.I 1 and 10 Focus on Listening and Speaking and Language Standards Implementati on Supports BLTsWork on strengthening the structures and systems to support instruction for ELLs; Help build teacher capacity BLTs will lead the CCSS and ELLs work in schools PLCs Building PLCs with QTEL and DL schoolsDistrict-wide Bilingual/ESL PLC CPS- Department of Language and Cultural Education 21
Moving Forward