Nationally, only about 25% of jobs in low & middle-skill industries are accessible via transit within 90 minutes -Tomer, Kneebone, Puentes and Berube, “Missed Opportunity: Transit and Jobs in Metropolitan America” (Brookings Institute, 2011) #EMF2014
For every $1 invested in transportation programs, there is $1.90 in economic return -JARC program- Economic Benefits Study Professor Piyushimita Thakuriah, University of Illinois #EMF2014
More than 80,000 Baltimore-area households are without a vehicle -Tomer, Kneebone, Puentes and Berube, “Missed Opportunity: Transit and Jobs in Metropolitan America” (Brookings Institute, 2011) #EMF2014
Across 100 of the largest metropolitan areas: About 22% work within 3 miles of the city center 35% work more than 10 miles from the city center -Blumenberg and Waller, “The Long Journey to Work: A federal Transportation Policy for Working Families” (Brookings Institution, 2011) #EMF2014
Low-and moderate-income households spend 42% of their income on transportation Middle-income households spend less than 22% -Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey 2000 #EMF2014
Small town and rural community residents: 41% have no access to transit 25% have below-average transit services -Matthew Dolan “Detroit’s Broken Buses Vex a Broken City” Wall Street Journal, 2014 #EMF2014
Every $1Billion invested in public transit capital/ operations creates or supports: 36,000 jobs $3.6 billion in business sales Nearly $500 Million in federal, state and local tax revenue -Economic Development Research Group #EMF2014
Nearly 20% of African-American households, 14% of Latino households and 13% of Asian households live without a car -Brookings Institution and UC-Berkeley, Socioeconomic Differences in Household Automobile Ownership Rates #EMF2014
Our mission at CUPs Coffeehouse is to employ and empower disconnected youth so that they may become financially independent leaders within their family and community. Today’s Caterer