Where’s AWOL-Do? A Bradley Schlesinger Presentation
How To Play Find AWOL in the various pictures. Click if to check your guess. The first two pictures are blurry. Don’t ask why. That’s it!
Picture #1 There he is!
Picture #2 There he is!
Picture #3 There he is!
Picture #4 This is the Week 8, 2007 picture. Find AWOL. Ha! AWOL wasn’t even in this picture!
Picture #5 There he is!
Picture #6 There he is!
Picture #7 Blah Blah Blah (I got bored)
Picture #8 This one is blurry too. Sue me. Click the mouse. Hay AWOL! (Spanish)
Picture #9 This one is too easy. I’m not even showing you the answer. There he is!
Picture #10 There he is!
Credits Everything was found at Weeks 8,7,6 were used Special Thanks to AWOL for existing