NHSmail & Microsoft Licensing September 2014 Update for CIOs Peter Dyke, Head of Industry Liaison HSCIC, 19th September 2014
Agenda Where’s email going? NHSmail2 procurement update Own accredited secure email solutions SMS and Fax gateway closures 31/3/2015 Microsoft licensing update Contact for further information
Where’s email going? 2014 2016-17 2020+ NHSmail2 c. 600,000 users in England (Accredited Secure) NHSmail2 c. 900,000 users (Accredited cloud secure email & collaboration) Accredited Cloud secure email, collaboration & business productivity c. 1,000,000 users in Health Local Email c. 700,000 users (Not accredited as secure) Local Email c. 200,000 users (Accredited Secure) Accredited secure cloud secure email and collaboration (ISB1596) >100,000 users Local Email <100,000 users Secure Other accredited secure cloud hosted email/collaboration (no users – nothing is accredited to ISB1596 yet..)
NHSmail2 update Shortlist of potential suppliers published Next Steps Available on CCS Managed Email Framework Accenture, BT, CSC, General Dynamics, Vodafone Next Steps NHSmail2 ITT published end September 2014 User Evaluation November 2014 (please get involved) Preferred supplier identified early December: FBC starts approval process.. FBC Approved/Contract Let March 2015 (pre purdah) NHSmail2 service live Summer 2015 Migration to new service completed March 2016 Current service shut down June 2016
Own accredited secure email solutions Going forwards the options are: Either use NHSmail (fully) or Operate own email to ISB1596 secure email standard (fully) and connect it securely to NHSmail c. 20% of NHS organisations indicate that they want to run their own email solutions ISB 1596 Secure Email standard approved and published March 2014. Work to pilot/prove in process Final decisions needed December 2014 A significant programme of work/investment needs to be performed by the local organisation if they want to meet ISB 1596 requirements, get a system accredited, connect it to NHSmail2, migrate all users to the new platform and close down all current use of NHSmail by June 2016 when the current NHSmail platform will close…
NHSmail SMS and Fax gateway closures Fax Gateway closes 31/3/2015 Low level of usage but part of established process Users need help to change working process Locally led change management project SMS Gateway closes 31/3/2015 Supports business critical processes used at scale Trusts need to implement new solutions to enable continued use and business benefit Locally led technology replacement project (initially) Help at http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/nhsmail/transition CSU/CCG/GP should await advice from NHSE
Microsoft Licensing Update Everyone is in a similar place as a result of the EWA end in May 2010 (upgrade cycle starting) e.g. CoreCALs need replacing Upgrade costs for SQL/Windows/Exchange/Sharepoint no longer offset by EWA CALs NHSmail2 business case approval forces the pan-NHS issues to be worked through, e.g. accreditation of Office 365 against ISB1596 Ensuring that local and national spend is not duplicated e.g. on CoreCALs PSA15 discussions to secure best terms for future purchases are happening in parallel Led by Crown Commercial Services/Cabinet Office Crown Rep Expect clarity early in 2015
Contact for further information NHSmail nhs-mail2@nhs.net or tog.konyn@nhs.net (NHSmail lead for London) Microsoft Licensing ewat@nhs.net or peter.dyke@nhs.net