The Child Jesus Enters the Temple
Honor Thy Mother and Father How many times do we answer our parents rudely? When they ask us to do something, do we listen right away? Or do we wait and wait until they start yelling at us? Where in the Old Testament does it say to honor your mother and father? Even though Jesus was God, He set a great example for us by obeying His parents.
Passover in Jerusalem Every year, Jesus and His family would go to Jerusalem to attend the feast of the Passover. One year, when Jesus was 12, after the feast St. Mary and St. Joseph returned to their home but Jesus stayed behind. They didn’t notice that Jesus wasn’t with them till much later.
Where’s Jesus? St. Mary and St. Joseph went back to Jerusalem and asked among their relatives and friends where Jesus was. 3 days later they found Jesus in the Temple sitting among teachers listening and asking questions.
Jesus’ obedience When St. Mary and St. Joseph saw this, they were amazed but St. Mary asked Jesus, “Why did you do this? We have been looking everywhere for you?” Jesus responded by saying, “Why do you seek me? Don’t you know that I must be about my Father’s business?”
Jesus knew that St. Mary and St. Joseph did not understand what Jesus said and why he said it. However, He listened to them and went home with them obediently. Jesus answered very politely. He told them that He was doing God’s will for Him on Earth. He could have argued and asked to stay longer, but Jesus obeyed His parents and got up immediately and returned home with them.
Questions How old was Jesus at that time? Where was the child Jesus? Why was He in Jerusalem? Who was looking for Him? What did St. Mary say to Him when she found Him? How did Jesus answer her? Where did they go after that?
Conclusion Christ says that we must strive to be like Him. This story tells us how we must be obedient to our parents. Jesus was God!!! But He still had respect for His parents and obeyed them immediately. Sometimes we don’t want to listen right away, or we are impatient with our parents and we answer rudely. Jesus reminds us every day that we must obey and respect our parents to the fullest!!
Conclusion Also, we notice that Jesus was really curious about the word of God. He is showing us the importance of asking questions and increasing our knowledge of the Word. We all know that Jesus knows all the answers, but by asking these questions, He shows us the need to ask questions about the Bible and our church.
Memory Verse “He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject (obedient) to them” -Luke 2:51 -Luke 2:51