Office Expectations Good morning, Mrs. Venolia!
What does the Office Staff do? n Help students and staff n Answer phones n Assist parents n Paperwork: discipline, attendance n Order materials & supplies n Answer questions n Input information into the computer
Being RESPECTFUL Means: Honoring the rights or wishes of the office staff.
Wait Patiently n Stand in a single file line. n Do not interrupt conversations: phone or in person. n Do not talk to others while you are waiting.
Be Polite to Staff n Look towards the adults when they are speaking. n Talk to adults when directed to do so. n Say “Please” and “Thank you”
When you are in the office, these people can help you… Principal – Mrs. Venolia Secretary – Miss Debbie Health Tech – Miss Amy Nurse – Mrs. Sanchez
Being RESPONSIBLE Means: Going directly to and from the office with a pass. GO AWAY! Where’s your PASS?!
Politely Seek Assistance n If you have a note to pick up something from the office it is on the bookshelf by the window. Tell Miss Amy or Miss Debbie that you are there to pick up something. n Walk up to the counter when it is your turn if you have a question. n Use a Voice Level 1 - inside voice.
Mind Your Own Business n Do not listen to other’s conversation. n Do not add to other’s conversation. n Do not comment on peer’s business.
Being SAFE Means: Following office expectations so you will be less likely to get hurt or hurt others. Only grown ups should be in the J Work Room. Uh OH!
Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Self n Respect other’s personal space. n Ask permission before using office supplies. n Keep materials to yourself.
While Seated and Waiting to Be Picked Up or to Speak to the Principal… n Keep both feet on the floor. n Keep all four legs of the chair on the floor. n Use only one chair at a time. WAIT!
Make it a great day in the office or not… The choice is yours! WAIT!