Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded
Tier 1 Pricing Principles
To make your own calculations Operators can calculate their own Tier 1 prices by using information BT has made available on The information to enable these calculations are held in several files as follows:- Postcode to Serving Exchange File (PSEF) - Contains all instances of a post code where BT is currently providing PSTN access to a site and therefore has already identified the true Serving Exchange for that site. Supplementary Post Code List - contains valid post codes not listed in the Postcode to Serving Exchange File. PPC Serving Exchange to T1 Node - lists all the BT Serving Exchange Node matched to the nearest Tier 1 node. DPCN Nodes 1141Codes - contains a list of all Digital Private Circuit Network (DPCN) nodes SDH Node list - contains a list of all SDH serving nodes. Tier 1 Node Aggregation – contains the aggregated Tier 1 Nodes Full details on using the above files to calculate PPC circuit distance is detailed in the PPC Circuit Distance Calculation ManualPPC Circuit Distance Calculation Manual
Postcode to Serving Exchange Mapping
Initial Order CP to BT Customer Contacts BT for PPC and supplies the following information to BT 1. Third party post code or Eastings and Northings. 2. The POH SDH/DPCN Node 3. Circuit Option BT enters details supplied by customer into PPC Pricing Tool. The Pricing Tool calculates the Trunk and Termination segment distance. The distance is then entered into the order handling system. At Firm Offer Confirmation (FOC) the circuit distance and circuit provision costs is given to customer. Start customer requires PPC
Tier 1 Node Pricing Examples
Notes on PPC Pricing Examples For circuit bandwidths from 64K to 960K, prices are based on the tier 1 node pricing distance between the third party BT serving exchange and the Digital Private Circuit Network (DPCN) node nearest to the point of handover. DPCN bearers are charged on the radial distance between the DPCN node and the BT SDH node. 1mbit –155mbit circuit prices are based on the tier 1 node pricing principle between the third party BT serving exchange and the BT serving node. CSH, ISH and 3 rd party infrastructure prices are for indicative purposes only. The customer can configure the Add-Drop Mux ( ADM) to meet their specific requirements. These examples are for illustrative purposes only and should not be used as the basis for any quotations – always consult the carrier price list for the most up to date pricing information. Circuits are shown from the 3rd party customer site to Point of Handover (POH) and onto the annex 2 operator’s network.
Principles and Guidance Pricing is based on the 3 elements of a PPC circuit Big pipe” from an OLO network POH to the BT network (A end) The required bandwidth path across the BT network A local end path to your third party end users site (B end) Each element is priced for The connection charge and the rental charge Connection charge Infrastructure charges for 3rd party site, POH and circuit connection charge across the BT network. Excess charges as required at the 3rd party site and the POH Rental charge Local end fixed charges Main Link fixed charge + Main Link segment charges + Terminating segment charges + Optional Enhanced Maintenance charge Rental on POH infrastructure
Connection charge at 3rd party site Is this an existing or new 3rd party site? Is access required to Marconi Synchronous Hierarchy (MSH) network? Are batteries required? Choose Network Terminating Unit NTU or ADM, tributary cards and protection as appropriate for site Fibre working type and wavelengths are determined by BT on site survey Use Carrier Price list (CPL) section 8.02 to choose infrastructure as appropriate Use CPL section 8.06 for excess charges as required at 3rd party site Connection charge Use CPL section 8.02 for the circuit connection charges across the BT network Connection charge at POH Is this an existing or new POH? Is access required to DPCN or MSH network? Are batteries required? Choose ADM, tributary cards, fibre working,network access and protection as appropriate for site Fibre working type and wavelengths are determined by BT on site survey Use CPL section 8.01 (CSH), 8.01 (ISH) or 8.01 (ISH- Extn) to choose infrastructure as appropriate Use CPL section 8.06 for excess charges as required at POH Principles and Guidance
Principles and Guidance Maintenance charge Use CPL section 8.03 for the appropriate circuit local end fixed charge at 3rd Party end Use CPL section 8.03 for the circuit main link fixed charge at 3 rd Party end Calculate the terminating segment and the main link segment distances using files available on BTwholesale website. Use CPL section 8.03 to calculate charges before and after the SDH Tier1 breakpoint Enhanced Maintenance charge (Optional) Use CPL section 8.03 to calculate charges based on the total radial distance calculations. POH Rental Use section 8.01 (CSH), 8.01 (ISH) or 8.01 (ISH- Extn) for the appropriate rental charges on infrastructure provision and 8.01 part 1.6 in respect of the efficient use of PoH Infrastructure rental.
Tier 1 Node Pricing
Tier 1 Node Pricing
Efficient / In-Efficient POH Rental Charges In the Leased Line Charge Control published 2 July 2009 Ofcom directed BT show separately the PoH charges that historically have been embedded within PPC Local End Charges and introduce a cost recovery mechanist that would incentivised migration to new aggregated PoHs. Under this approach, circuits handed over new PoHs would not attract the separate new PoH charges and incentivised CPs to migrate to the new efficient PoH as it would allow them to reduce (and ultimately avoid) the new PoH rental charges. – New rental charges on PoH Infrastructure where the ADM is considered to be Efficient PoH (SMA-1; SMA-4 & SMA-16). For CSH & ISH Extn PoH there will be an additional Bearer Charge (CPL B8.01 part 1.6 PoH Rental Charges refs) –Third Party PoH fixed Charge associated to circuit rental where the circuit is provided using in-efficient ADMs (non-PPC ADMs; 4x2 & 16x2) CSH & ISH Extn PoH = ADM rental + ADM PoH rental + Bearer charge = ISH PoH = ADM rental + ADM PoH rental charge Circuit rental includes the 3 rd Party rental charge where it is provided using in- efficient PoH i.e. 4x2; 16x2 etc. Where the PoH is efficient the circuit rental will not include the 3 rd Party PoH fixed charge Efficient Circuit Rental = Local End fixed charge + Main Link total charge In-Efficient Circuit Rental = Local End fixed charge + 3 rd Party PoH fixed charge + Main Link total charge.
Efficient use of PoH Infrastructure Rental All CSH & ISH Extension Infrastructure ADMs will incur the new PoH Infrastructure ADM rental and Bearer fixed rental charge as detailed in B8.01 part 1.6. Example Rental Charge SMA-16 ADM no trib interface (single fibre working) existing site£ SMA-16 PoH Infrastructure£ Bearer PoH Infrastructure£ Total SMA-16 per annum Fixed Rental Charge£ All ISH ADMs will incur the new PoH Infrastructure ADM rental charge as detailed in B8.01 part 1.6 Example: Rental Charge SMA-16 ADM with single STM-16 handover (1300nm)£ SMA-16 PoH Infrastructure£ Total SMA-16 per annum Fixed Rental Charge£ Note: The charges quoted are for information purposes only. To ensure you have the correct charges please refer to the PPC Price List.
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 3rd Party End NTE 64K PPC Connection Charge Example BT Serving Exchange DPCN CSH BT SDH Node DPCN 3 rd Party Customer Link Infrastructure: Section 8.02 of CPL NTU 64K-256K on existing copper £ single charge Or NTU 64K-256K on new copper £ single charge DPCN 2Mb Bearer 64Kbit/s Circuit NTU 64K – 256K POH Infrastructure Connection of a New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL Provision charge Kbit/s £ single charge CSH Infrastructure: Existing site Section 8.01 of CPL 16x2 or 4x2– legacy equipment o No charge Use of existing 2Mb bearer No charge
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 64K PPC Annual Rental Charge Example Example: Terminating segment distance = 17Km and Trunk segment distance =18Km Comprises: Main Link Fixed Charge £ Terminating segment charges £1.81/Km x 17km = £30.77 Trunk Segment Charges £3.22/Km x 18km =£57.96 Optional Enhanced Maintenance: £ plus £0.02Km Total charge 35 Km) = £ rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange DPCN CSH BT SDH Node DPCN DPCN 2Mb Bearer POH Infrastructure NTU 64K – 256K 64Kbit/s Circuit Local end Fixed Charge £ Main Link Total Charge £ POH Fixed Charge £98.40 Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £ In-Efficient PoH = £877.81
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 320K PPC Connection Charge Example 3 rd Party Customer Link Infrastructure: Section 8.02 of CPL NTU 320K-640K on existing copper £ single charge Or NTU 320K-640K on new copper £ single charge 320Kbit/s Circuit 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange DPCN CSH BT SDH Node DPCN DPCN 2Mb Bearer NTU 320K - 960K POH Infrastructure CSH Infrastructure: (Existing site) Section 8.01 of CPL STM-1 legacy equipment No charge 2Mb Bearer access – required for access to DPCN (if no spare capacity on existing bearers) £1, single charge Connection of a New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL Provision charge Kbit/s £ single charge
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 320K PPC Annual Rental Charge Example 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange DPCN CSH BT SDH Node DPCN Bearer Rental Charges 2Mb bearer access to DPCN £ per annum Plus Distance Charge Assume 5Km radial distance POH SE to DPCN Node £42.56/Km =£ Total charge = £ Comprises: Main Link Fixed Charge £ Terminating Segment Charges £8.17/Km = £ Trunk Segment Charges £21.48/Km = £ Optional Enhanced Maintenance: £ plus £0.08Km Total charge = £90.92 DPCN 2Mb Bearer POH Infrastructure NTU 320K - 960K 320Kbit/s Circuit Example: Terminating segment distance = 17Km Trunk segment distance =18Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Circuit Rental £ Local end Fixed Charge £ Main Link Total Charge £1,204.43POH Fixed Charge £98.40 Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £ In-Efficient PoH = £
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 1M PPC Connection Charge Example 1Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure Connection of New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL 1 Mbit/s Circuit Provision £1, Single charge ISH Infrastructure: Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration STM-1 SMA-4 ADM with single STM-1 handover (1300nm) £14, rd Party Customer Link Infrastructure: Section 8.02 of CPL 1 Mb/s circuit on new copper £1, Single charge Section – Excess Construction Charges As required 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange ISH BT SDH Node 1Mbit/s Circuit
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 1M PPC Annual Rental Charge Example 1Mbit/s Circuit 1Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure Example: Terminating segment distance = 20Km Trunk segment distance =20Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Circuit Rental £3, Comprises: Main Link Fixed Charge £ Terminating Segment Charges £46.93/Km = £ Trunk Segment Charges £38.74/Km = £ Optional Enhanced Maintenance: £ plus £1.53/Km Total charge = £ ISH Infrastructure Rental Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration STM-1 SMA-4 ADM with single STM-1 handover (1300nm) £ per annum 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange ISH BT SDH Node Local end Fixed Charge £ Main Link Total Charge £2,338.36POH Fixed Charge £ Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £3, In-Efficient PoH = £3,192.63
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 2M PPC Connection Charge Example 2Mbit/s Circuit 2Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure Connection of New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL 2 Mbit/s Circuit Provision £1, Single charge CSH Infrastructure: Section 8.01 of CPL CSH Configuration SMA-4 Use existing SMA-4 ADM with no trib interfaces (dual fibre working) No additional charge STM-1 optical (1300nm) trib interface (1 port) £1, connection STM-1 optical (1300nm) trib card (1 port), required for MSP protection £ connection 3 rd Party Customer Link Infrastructure: Section 8.02 of CPL Provide a 2 Mbit 4x2 at existing fibre site £4, single charge Addition charge to provide new fibre infrastructure at new site £2, single charge Section – Excess Construction Charges As required 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange CSH BT SDH Node
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 2M PPC Annual Rental Charge Example Local end Fixed Charge £ Main Link Total Charge £2, Comprises: Main Link Fixed Charge £ Terminating Segment Charges £46.93/Km = £ Trunk Segment Charges £38.74/Km = £ Optional Enhanced Maintenance: £ plus £1.53Km Total charge = £ CSH Infrastructure Rental: Section 8.01 of CPL CSH Configuration SMA-4 SMA-4 ADM with no trib interfaces (dual fibre working 1300nm) £ per annum STM-1 optical (1300nm) trib interface (1 port) £36.27 per annum STM-1 optical (1300nm) trib card (1 port), required for MSP protection £13.90 per annum 2Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange CSH BT SDH Node 2Mbit/s Circuit Example: Terminating segment distance = 20Km Trunk segment distance =20Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Rental £ POH Fixed Charge £ Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £3, In-Efficient PoH = £3,192.63
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded M PPC Connection Charge Example 34 Mbit/s Circuit 34 Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure New Circuit on Spare Capacity Section 8.02 of CPL Charge for new PPC provided on spare capacity on 3rd party link infrastructure where such infrastructure installed before 23/12/02 34/45 Mbit/s No additional charge Connection of New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL Mbit/s and above circuit provision £1, single charge CSH Infrastructure: New Site Section 8.01 of CPL CSH Configuration SMA-4 SMA-4 ADM no trib I/F single fibre working existing site £46, Additional New Site charge £2, STM-1 Optical (1300nm) trib interface £1, STM-1 optical (1300nm) trib card, required for MSP Protection £ Stand-by batteries £ Section – Excess Construction charges As required 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange CSH BT SDH Node
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded M PPC Annual Rental Charge Example Comprises: Main Link Fixed Charge £2, Terminating segment charges £465.10/Km = £9, Trunk Segment Charges £358.90Km = £7, Optional Enhanced Maintenance: £ plus £2.89/Km Total charge = £ CSH Infrastructure Rental: Section 8.01 of CPL CSH Configuration SMA-4 SMA-4 ADM no trib I/F single fibre working existing site £ per annum STM-1 Optical (1300nm) trib interface £36.27 per annum STM-1 optical (1300nm) trib card, required for MSP Protection £13.50 per annum Stand-by batteries £7.44 per annum 34 Mbit/s Circuit 34 Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange CSH BT SDH Node Local end Fixed Charge £2, Main Link Total Charge £19, Example: Terminating segment distance = 20Km Trunk segment distance =20Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Rental £ 22, POH Fixed Charge £ Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £22, In-Efficient PoH = £22,992.55
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 155M PPC Connection Charge Example 3 rd Party Customer Link Infrastructure: Section 8.02 of CPL 3rd Party customer sited SMA-4 ADM with no trib I/f (single fibre working) £29, Additional New Site charge £2, STM-1 Optical (1300nm) trib card (1 port) £ Stand-by batteries £ Section – Excess Construction Charges As required Connection of New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL 140 Mbit/sec and above Provision £1, single charge ISH Infrastructure: Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration STM-4 SMA-4 ADM with single STM-4 handover (1300nm) £25, Mbit/s Circuit 155 Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange ISH BT SDH Node
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 155M PPC Annual Rental Charge Example Comprises: Main Link Fixed Charge £10, Terminating segment charges £ /Km = £10, Trunk Segment Charges £191.10/Km = £3, Optional Enhanced Maintenance: £ plus £3.92Km Total charge = £ Mbit/s Circuit 155 Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure 3rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange ISH BT SDH Node ISH Infrastructure: Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration STM-4 SMA-4 ADM with single STM-4 handover (1300nm) £ per annum Example: Terminating segment distance = 20Km Trunk segment distance =20Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Rental £ 37, Local end Fixed Charge £10, Main Link Total Charge £25,449.29POH Fixed Charge £1, Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £35, In-Efficient PoH = £37,024.35
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded Protected Path Variant 1
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 2 Mbit/s Protected Path V1 Connection Charge Example Connection of New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL 2 Mbit/s Circuit Provision £1, Single charge ISH Infrastructure: Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration STM-1 SMA-4 ADM with single STM-1 handover (1500nm) £16, Third Party Customer Link Infrastructure: Section 8.02 of CPL SMA-1 ADM with no trib interfaces (dual fibre working 1300nm) - existing site £17, Single charge 2 X 2Mbit/s trib card £3, X 2 = £ Section – Excess Construction Charges As required 2Mb Infrastructure PoH Infrastructure 2 Mbit/s Circuit Third Party End ADM BT Serving Exchange ISH BT SDH Node BT Serving Exchange BT SDH Node
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 2 Mbit/s Protected Path V1 Rental Charge Example Main Link Total Charge Comprises : Main Link Fixed Charge £ Terminating Segment £47.61/Km = £ Trunk Segment £ Km = £2, EnhancedCare Maintenance is standard ISH Infrastructure Rental Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration STM-1 SMA-4 ADM with single STM-1 handover (1550nm) £ per annum Third Party End ADM BT Serving Exchange ISH BT SDH Node BT Serving Exchange BT SDH Node Third Party Infrastructure PoH Infrastructure 2 Mbit/s Protected Path Circuit Example: Terminating Segment distance = 20Km Trunk Segment distance =20Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Rental £4, Local end Fixed Charge £ Main Link Total Charge £ POH Fixed Charge £ Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £4, In-Efficient PoH = £4,550.75
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded Protected Path Variant 2
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded Generic Protected Path V2 Architecture Due to the unique nature of the PPC PP V2 network architecture, calculation of the distance related element of the rental charge is based on the following methodology: “the average of the two legs from the third party site to the points of handover, plus the distance between the two points of handover”. Each path has a terminating and trunk element, the average is found by adding the trunk elements of paths A and B together and dividing by two, then adding the terminating elements of paths A and B together and dividing by two. This gives an average trunk and terminating element for paths A and B; this is added to the trunk and terminating elements of the Drop and Continue Interworking (D&CI) path, to give a total trunk and terminating distance charge for the PPC PP V2 Circuit.
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 2 Mbit/s Protected Path V2 Connection Charge Example Connection of New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL 2 Mbit/s Circuit Provision £ Single charge Infrastructure: Example assumes the customer has already purchased the pre-requisite Point of Handover and Third Party infrastructure to support PPC PP V2 2Mb Infrastructure PoH Infrastructure 2 Mbit/s Circuit CSH Third Party End ADM BT Serving Exchange T SDH Node BT Serving Exchange BT SDH Node CSH D&CI path
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded Generic Protected Path V2 Architecture Trunk Elements (Km) Path A 10 Path B 20 Path A & B Average ( )/2 15 D&CI Path 25 Total Trunk (Km) Terminating Elements (Km) Path A6 Path B8 Path A & B Average (6+8)/27 D&CI Path5 Total Terminating (Km)
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded 2 Mbit/s Protected Path V2 Rental Charge Example Third Party Infrastructure PoH Infrastructure 2 Mbit/s Protected Path Variant 2 Circuit Main Link Total Charge Comprises : Main Link Fixed Charge £ Terminating Segment £47.61/Km = £ Trunk Segment £ Km = £ EnhancedCare Maintenance is standard Infrastructure Example assumes the customer has already purchased the pre-requisite Point of Handover and Third Party infrastructure to support PPC PP V2 CSH Third Party End ADM BT Serving Exchange T SDH Node BT Serving Exchange BT SDH Node CSH D&CI path Example: Terminating Segment distance = 12Km Trunk Segment distance =40Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Rental £ Local end Fixed Charge £ Main Link Total Charge £ POH Fixed Charge £ Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £ In-Efficient PoH = £
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded PPC 155 MSH - MSH Connection Charge Example 155 Mbit/s Circuit 155 Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure 3 rd Party Customer Link Infrastructure: Section 8.02 of CPL 3rd Party customer sited MSH51 ADM with no trib (dual fibre working 1550nm) – existing site £58, Additional New Site charge £ STM-1 electrical trib card (4 port) £ Stand-by batteries £ Section – Excess Construction Charges As required Connection of New Circuit Section 8.02 of CPL 140 Mbit/sec and above Provision £ single charge ISH Infrastructure: Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration MSH51 MSH51 ADM with single STM-16 handover (1300nm) plus Optional STM nm handover £24, £ = £25, rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange ISH BT Serving Exchange MSH Node MSH Node
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded PPC 155M MSH – MSH Annual Rental Charge Example 155 Mbit/s Circuit 155 Mb Infrastructure POH Infrastructure Local end Fixed Charge £10,000 Core Transportation Link Total Charge = £17, Comprises: Main Link Fixed Charge £10, Core Transportation Link £167.57/Km (MSH –MSH) = £6, Optional Enhanced Maintenance: £ plus £3.92/Km Total charge = £ ISH Infrastructure: Section 8.01 of CPL ISH Configuration MSH51 MSH51 ADM with single STM-16 handover (1300nm) plus Optional STM nm handover £ per annum Example: Core Transportation Link (MSH to MSH) = 40Km – refer to section 8.03 of CPL – Total Rental £29, rd Party End NTE BT Serving Exchange ISH BT Serving Exchange MSH Node MSH Node POH Fixed Charge £ Example: Rental for circuit provided over: Efficient PoH = £27, In-Efficient PoH = £29,204.49
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded Ancillary Charges Example Carriage Way 3 rd partyExternal wall 8 metres duct 2 metres Footway box ½ metre BT serving exchange
Always consult the current Carrier Price List. Examples based on 10 March 2010 Price List Uncontrolled when downloaded Ancillary Charges Example Ancillary Charges are the additional Excess Construction charges which are often needed to enable circuit provision. This charge is a pass through charge; the charges can be found in the Openreach Price List - Section – Excess Construction Charges metres of Cable (Fibre & Copper) are included in a “Standard” delivered circuit. No extra Excess Construction Charge will be applied to a Standard delivered circuit where the cabling required is upto and including 3010 metres. Where it requires more than 3010 meters to deliver a standard delivered circuit, the amount of cable over the 3010 metres will be charged at the rate detailed in the Openreach Price List. Where the circuit requirement is for non-standard delivery i.e. for resilience purposes, the whole amount of cable will be charged.