July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas1 Using PowerPoint What’s the Point? Where’s the Power? By Derek Cundill
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas2 What’s the Point? What is your goal? Imparting Information or developing skills? Lecturing or training? Will PowerPoint achieve it?
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas3 Will PowerPoint: Enhance or detract? Educate or entertain? Supplement or substitute? Help or hinder?
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas4 Where’s the Power? It’s in the: Design of the Slides Delivery of the Subject
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas5 Empowering Design Simplicity Readability Consistency
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas6 Simplicity Background Fonts Content - “The power of four” Four slides per topic Four bullets per slide Fours words per bullet Animation
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas7 Animation Can make a point Can be distracting Can be over used Can be just plain irritating
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas8 Readability Font size and type Color Charts Check it out!
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas9 Consistency Background Fonts Colors Relevance
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas10 Delivery Most important Do’s Dont’s Some Tips
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas11 Delivery Do’s Know your subject Know your equipment Know your audience
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas12 Delivery Don’t’s Block the screen Face the screen Read the slides Overdo humor
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas13 Delivery Tips Use “builds” Use blanks Use reference materials (4012) Encourage discussion
July 21, 2010NTTC Tax Training, Dallas14 Finally PowerPoint can be powerful if: Design is right Delivery is effective But remember the point The goal is training volunteers The method is Process-Based Training PowerPoint is just part of the Process