WHAT IS A RIVER? A river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river
WHAT IS A SOURCE? A source is the place where a river or a stream starts
WHAT IS A TRIBUTARY? A tributary is a stream or a river that flows into a larger one
WHAT IS A RIVER BANK? A river bank is the land along the sides of a river
WHAT IS A RIVER MOUTH? A river mouth is the part of a river that flows into a lake, river, or ocean.
WHAT IS A DELTA? A delta is a place where a river divides into two or more branches before entering the sea
WHAT IS AN ESTUARY? An estuary is the area where a river meets the sea or ocean, where fresh water from the river meets salt water from the sea. This area becomes larger and larger before the river enters the sea.
THE RIVER THAMES The River Thames is only 346 km (215 miles) long. It rises in the Cotswold Hills and before flowing through London it flows through Oxford where it is known as the River Isis. Finally it joins the North Sea.
London’s fame and fortune is due to the Thames. It is navigable and so it is so important for the commerce. In London along the river banks we can enjoy the view of many beautiful attractions like the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, the Tate Modern Art Gallery, The Globe Theatre and so on….
THE BRIDGES There are twenty-four bridges over the Thames in London. Some are railway bridges, most are road bridges and one is a footbridge.
The oldest bridge is London Bridge, once in wood, now in stones with shops and houses along its sides. Its middle sections can be raised to permit ships to pass the Tower Bridge, about 4 or 5 times a week.
The Millennium Bridge is a pedestrian bridge built to connect the Tate Modern Art Gallery to the City and St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Classe 2A Prof.ssa Maria Antonietta Cirminiello