Starter Without using your notes write down everything you can remember about Aquinas’ cosmological argument from last lesson. After 10 mins you can check what you have against your notes – in another colour jot down some short key points on what you missed. In note form – you will have 5 mins Use this to guide you in what you need to read back over. I will be coming round to check progress
Gottfried Leibniz Principle of sufficient reason
Starting Point He starts with the observation of ‘ex nihilo, nihil fit’ and then asks why is there a world at all? Leibniz thought that there must be some explanation of why there is a world at all.
Take any feature of the world. If the world could have failed to be that way (as everything in it is contingent), then there must be some explanation of why the world is that way. Leibniz concludes that there must be some reason, or explanation as to why things are the way that they are He stated this explanation had to be a principle of sufficient reason (where a full explanation is provided for any given idea/event. No other explanation is required to support what this reasoning states)
Task – In Pairs Pick a book of the shelf, any book it does not matter. Mind map everything you can tell me about that book based on the covers, publishing, contents etc I will ask you to feedback in 10 mins
Author 1 st Edition 2 nd edition 3 rd edition Latest edition Sufficient Reason Partial Reason Partial Reason Partial Reason Partial Reason God 1 st state 2 nd state 3 rd state 4 th state
Definitions – Add to your glossary Partial reason – an explanation which gives part of the reason why something is the way it is. However, this is not a full explanation for an idea or event and further information is required to substantiate it Sufficient reason – where a full explanation for any given idea or event is provided. No other explanation is required to substantiate what the sufficient reason provides
Article Work You are to go through highlight the main points. Then add them to your notes by rewriting them in your own words