School Fees Planner A simple yet effective way of assessing the level of savings needed for the educational requirements of children or grandchildren, whether by the investment of a single sum or by saving a regular monthly amount. The system can cope with up to four separate educational establishments and with the common requirement to take a year out before attending university.
Where you need to plan for more than one child, the system will allow for a mixture of single and regular investments. In truth, School Fees Planning software is there to demonstrate to parents that they can NOT afford this level of saving so that you are able to dispose of this potentially time-consuming work quickly and look at more flexible forms of investment. School Fees Planner
This software allows you to spend as little time as possible on this area as it is unlikely to provide you with major income. Don’t waste your valuable time. Deal with School Fees quickly. Prove that they can’t afford it and get on with something more sensible. School Fees Planner is available to buy for only £ inclusive of V.A.T. School Fees Planner
First we set up the plan with a family name, or you can load a previously saved plan to amend. You can have any number of children within a single family plan, if required. Click or Space to continue
Enter first child’s name, the year in which the savings will start and the final year in education. Then enter an assessed annual rate of increase in school fees and the investment growth rate. Click or Space to continue
As soon as you put in the start and end years of the first school plus the current annual cost, the plan starts working. Here we have entered a Prep. School for Patrick from age 8 to 13. Click or Space to continue
Now we have entered a Grammar School from 13 to 18 years old, currently costing £10,500 pa. The single investment is now increased to cover both of these educational establishments. Click or Space to continue
Now we have entered a second child, Jeremy who is 2 years younger and we are planning to only send him to the Grammar School from 11 to 18 using a single lump sum investment. Click or Space to continue
However, at any time, we can ask for the plan to be changed to show the monthly investment required for the child being planned for at that time, as shown above. Click or Space to continue
For the third child, Camilla, we are showing two schools followed by a “gap” year before starting University. Where a plan is deeper than the screen, you can scroll down to see the rest of the plan. Click or Space to continue
As you can see, we have now scrolled down to the bottom of this plan for Camilla. By the way, each establishment is shown in a different colour to help you distinguish one from another. Click or Space to continue
And again here, we have switched to monthly payments. Note that there is still one more school slot available in case you need to fund for post-graduate or further education. Click or Space to continue
School Fees Planner CCL Software Limited Battenhall Lodge, 60 Battenhall Road, Worcester, WR5 2 BX FreePhone: Address: Sales Desk: Web Site: School Fees Planner is available to buy for only £ inclusive of V.A.T.