كثيرا ما يشتكي الناس من قلة البركة وعدم استقرار النفس ومن تقلب الماديات ومن تلبس الشيطان.!!! ومن أسباب ذلك: اننا أبتعدناعن الله،وهجرت الملائكة بيوتنا،


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Presentation transcript:

كثيرا ما يشتكي الناس من قلة البركة وعدم استقرار النفس ومن تقلب الماديات ومن تلبس الشيطان.!!! ومن أسباب ذلك: اننا أبتعدناعن الله،وهجرت الملائكة بيوتنا، وحلت الشياطين بدلا منها……… فما هي البيوت التي لاتدخلها الملائكة؟؟؟ - بيت قاطع الرحم - بيت آكل مال اليتيم. - بيت يكثر فيه السباب مثل سب الصحابة والأموات والدهر والريح والمرض... والسب العام. - بيت يتغنى بغير ذكر الله فيها.

- بيت يشرك فيه بالله وتعلق التمائم ويرتكب فيه السحر - بيت فيه محرمات مثل استعمال آنية الذهب والفضة - بيت فيه روائح كريهة مثل رائحة التدخين بيت أصحابه مصرّين على المعصية. - بيت ترتكب فيه الكبائر. - بيت العاق لوالديه. - بيت يؤكل فيه الربا. - بيت فيه مجالس للشيطان وهي: المجالس التي لا يذكر فيها اسم الله ، والمجالس التي لايصلى فيها على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. - بيت يشرك فيه بالله وتعلق التمائم ويرتكب فيه السحر - بيت فيه محرمات مثل استعمال آنية الذهب والفضة - بيت فيه روائح كريهة مثل رائحة التدخين بيت أصحابه مصرّين على المعصية. - بيت ترتكب فيه الكبائر. - بيت العاق لوالديه. - بيت يؤكل فيه الربا. - بيت فيه مجالس للشيطان وهي: المجالس التي لا يذكر فيها اسم الله ، والمجالس التي لايصلى فيها على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.

- بيت يلعب فيه بالنرد - بيت الملعونين: ومنهم تارك الصلاة والمرتشي ، - والنساء - المغيرات لخلق الله ، -- بيت يترك صاحبه الغسل من الجنابة - بيت مسرف، ومن الإسراف: الإكثار من الأثاث والفرش التي لالزوم لها والله ورسوله أعلم. - -” إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُم بِالْغَيْبِ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌ وَأَجْرٌ كَبِيرٌ ” سورة الملك 12 ”وَمَن يَعْشُ عَن ذِكْرِ الرَّحْمَنِ نُقَيِّضْ لَهُ شَيْطَانًا فَهُوَ لَهُ قَرِينٌ“ الزخرف 36 - بيت يلعب فيه بالنرد - بيت الملعونين: ومنهم تارك الصلاة والمرتشي ، - والنساء - المغيرات لخلق الله ، -- بيت يترك صاحبه الغسل من الجنابة - بيت مسرف، ومن الإسراف: الإكثار من الأثاث والفرش التي لالزوم لها والله ورسوله أعلم. - -” إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُم بِالْغَيْبِ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌ وَأَجْرٌ كَبِيرٌ ” سورة الملك 12 ”وَمَن يَعْشُ عَن ذِكْرِ الرَّحْمَنِ نُقَيِّضْ لَهُ شَيْطَانًا فَهُوَ لَهُ قَرِينٌ“ الزخرف 36 خروج

Many a times and often people complain from scarcity in blessing, anxiety and fluctuations in concrete matters in addition to the devil incarnations. The reasons behind this is : Not approaching Allah, our homes are abandoned by Angels and sought by devils instead…. what are the characteristics of homes abandoned Angels?

- The home of a person who cuts his relations with his family and folks. - The home of a person who confiscates the money of an orphan. - A home were many curses are said such as cursing the religious folks, the deceased, the era, the wind,, illness and the general curses. - A home chanting with anything other than Allah supplications. - The home of a person who cuts his relations with his family and folks. - The home of a person who confiscates the money of an orphan. - A home were many curses are said such as cursing the religious folks, the deceased, the era, the wind,, illness and the general curses. - A home chanting with anything other than Allah supplications.

- A home where the sound of a lamenting woman is heard. - A home where Allah has a partner, spells and magic are used. - A home in which many restricted things are used such as a pot of gold or silver. - A home with bad smells such as cigarettes - A home where people are insisting on sins. - A home where the sound of a lamenting woman is heard. - A home where Allah has a partner, spells and magic are used. - A home in which many restricted things are used such as a pot of gold or silver. - A home with bad smells such as cigarettes - A home where people are insisting on sins.

- A home were people are committing major sins. - A home where parents are not cherished & honored by their sons and daughters. - A home were a livelihood depends on usury. - A home filled with Satan gatherings : they are the gatherings in which Allah is not mentioned and his prophet peace be upon him is not praised. - A home were people are committing major sins. - A home where parents are not cherished & honored by their sons and daughters. - A home were a livelihood depends on usury. - A home filled with Satan gatherings : they are the gatherings in which Allah is not mentioned and his prophet peace be upon him is not praised.

- A home in which gambling is played - A home occupied with cursed people such as bribers and people who change in Allah's creation. Also, a home where a person neglects his prayers. - A home where a person does not apply cleanliness rituals. - A home characterized by extravagance filled with furniture and other indispensable items … - A home in which gambling is played - A home occupied with cursed people such as bribers and people who change in Allah's creation. Also, a home where a person neglects his prayers. - A home where a person does not apply cleanliness rituals. - A home characterized by extravagance filled with furniture and other indispensable items …

Allah Says : "Verily, those who fear their Lord unseen theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward" (Surah Al Mulk -12) And Says :”And whosoever turns away blindly from the remembrance of the Most Gracious (Allah),We appoint for him Satan-devil-to be a Qarin –a companion- to him “ (Surah Az- Zukhruf 36) Allah Says : "Verily, those who fear their Lord unseen theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward" (Surah Al Mulk -12) And Says :”And whosoever turns away blindly from the remembrance of the Most Gracious (Allah),We appoint for him Satan-devil-to be a Qarin –a companion- to him “ (Surah Az- Zukhruf 36) EXIT