The correct form of the paragraph: Topic Sentence Thesis Statement Three examples/Conclusion No paragraph should be less than 5 sentences!
First, the teacher gives you a topic: Write an essay about your favorite thing.
Begin your essay with an attention-getter. Then move to your thesis statement. There are many things that can be considered as essential. For me, ice cream is one of my favorite obsessions.
Then, as you did before, write three reasons for the thesis statement being true: Ice cream cools me off on hot days. Also, there are many great flavors from which to choose. Most importantly, ice cream reminds me of my youth.
Paragraphs need 5 sentences!!!
Ice cream is one of my favorite snacks Ice cream is one of my favorite snacks. There are many great things about ice cream. For one, ice cream cools me off on hot days. Also, there are many great flavors from which to choose. Most importantly, ice cream reminds me of my youth.
You’re on your way! You’ve completed your topic sentence, written your first subtopic, your second subtopic, and your third subtopic. Finally, you concluded your introductory paragraph correctly!
Use each subtopic sentence as the TOPIC SENTENCE for each subtopic paragraph.
THE FORM OF THE FIVE PARAGRAPH ESSAY: INTRODUCTION Ice cream is one of my favorite snacks. Ice cream cools me off on hot days. There are several different flavors of ice cream. Most importantly, ice cream reminds me of my youth.
Now you simply fill in three specific examples Now you simply fill in three specific examples (vivid) to prove each of your topic sentences.
Ice cream cools me off on hot days Ice cream cools me off on hot days. Once, when it was 110 degrees in the shade, I had a vanilla shake and felt very cool. Another time, it was so hot, we got cool just standing around the ice cream truck and enjoying the cool breeze that came from the refrigerant. Last week, after the sand had burned my feet, I got some ice cream to soothe them and cool them off. Whenever I have needed cooling down, I could always turn to ice cream.
Ice cream has many different flavors Ice cream has many different flavors. Chocolate is one of my favorites because it is very sweet. Rocky Road is yet another great flavor as the nuts add a terrific chewiness to the sweet chocolate. A third great flavor is Superman ice cream which mixes all the colors of Superman’s costume into a pretty mixture that looks as good as it tastes. These are just a few of the many terrific flavors I like in ice cream.
Ice cream reminds me of my youth Ice cream reminds me of my youth. Every time I have an ice cream cone, I remember the fun I had when I was 14 and I spilled my cone all over Margaret Miller’s bathing suit. Everyone laughed when she ran screaming down the beach. Ice cream sundaes remind me of the many great times we had at John’s Ice Cream Parlor when I was younger, ordering huge concoctions called “Kitchen Sinks.” Just hearing the sound of an ice cream truck brings back good memories of sitting under the tree on my lawn waiting for the Good Humor Man. Even my dog used to get a Dixie cup! Ice cream today always brings back great memories.
Just remember, you are not only proving the topic sentence of each paragraph with your specific examples, but the topic sentence of the whole paper as well!
The last paragraph is the easiest The last paragraph is the easiest. Simply restate your arguments by rewriting the introduction.
Ice cream is one of my favorite things Ice cream is one of my favorite things. I love how it comes in many great flavors. Also, it cools me off when I am hot. Most importantly, it is a tasty way to remember being young. Ice cream is the greatest!
You did it! You wrote an introduction with three proofs, three detailed body paragraphs, and a conclusion! You used vivid ideas and you tied everything back to the topic sentence.