A module to customize CREAM jobs according to site policies Tsukuba, KEK, 21 December 2010 Sylvain Reynaud JWGEN :
2 The problem Adapt the job… –to user needs set user job environment –middleware version, operating system, environment variable set LRMS queue set hardware resources –CPU, memory, disk set logical resources –hpss, xrootd, dCache, oracle set permissions (sw manager) –to site policy accept/deny job submission enforcement of security policy options and information for : –quota, priorities, accounting According to the information associated with this job –Computing Element (CE) –CE Queue –User's virtual organization –User's role –JDL requirements (if specified) CPU memory disk
3 A solution : JWGEN JWGEN : a module to adapt grid job to… –user needs –site policy …according to information associated with this job –CE, queue, VO, requirements… CREAM-CE BLAH GIP APEL job control job monitor info. provider accoun -ting BQS JWGEN
4 A solution : JWGEN CREAM-CECREAM-CE Padova CNAF BLAH GIP APELBLAHGIPAPEL job control job monitor info. provider accoun -ting job control job monitor info. provider accoun -ting BQS Grid Engine JWGEN
5 A solution : JWGEN CREAM-CE Padova CNAF BLAHGIPAPEL job control job monitor info. provider accoun -ting Grid Engine JWGEN CREAM-CE BLAH GIP APEL job control job monitor info. provider accoun -ting BQS JWGEN JDL JSDL options + wrapper
6 Input : JSDL
7 Output : SGE options + job wrapper $./libexec/jwgen-core/generate_wrapper.sh /tmp/ jsdl #!/bin/bash #$ -q admin #$ -v SITE_NAME=Test #$ -A "GRID=EGI SITE=Test TIER=tier3 VO=dteam ROLEVOMS=&2Fdteam&2FRole=NULL&2FCapability=NULL DN=&2FO=GRID- FR&2FC=FR&2FO=CNRS&2FOU=CC-LYON&2FCN=Sylvain&20Reynaud" #$ -l os=sl5 #$ -N ccsyre_crm01_ #$ -l s_cpu=00:01:40 #$ -l s_vmem=20M #$ -l s_fsize=5G #$ -l dcache [ -r /afs/in2p3.fr/grid/profiles/glite/ /SL4_64/WN32/lcg- prologue.sh ] &&. /afs/in2p3.fr/grid/profiles/glite/ /… … etc …
8 Configuration file CREAM-CE Padova CNAF BLAHGIPAPEL job control job monitor info. provider accoun -ting Grid Engine JWGEN config file CREAM-CE BLAH GIP APEL job control job monitor info. provider accoun -ting BQS JWGEN
9 Configuration file Need to factorize information –thanks to CE profiles config file
10 Configuration file Need to factorize information –thanks to CE profiles CC-IN2P3 site CC-IN2P3 Tier 1 CC-IN2P3 Tier 2 Test EGILCG profile Aprofile B LCG-CE 04 CREAM 02 LCG-CE 08 CREAM VM-07 CREAM 05 LCG-CE 11 ROC-FR LCG-CE 02 LCG-CE 07 LCG-CE 01 LCG-CE 03 LCG-CE 05 LCG-CE 06 CREAM 03
11 Configuration file Need to factorize information –thanks to CE profiles –thanks to operations on sets Sets are used for –queues, groups, users, logical resources Sets can be –created : ignore ancestor sets –subtracted : exclude some items –refined : without adding new items –extended : with adding new items
12 Query configuration file $./sbin/jwgen-ce-query.sh -h./sbin/jwgen-ce-query.sh: option requires an argument -- h Usage:./sbin/jwgen-ce-query.sh [-h ] [-q ] [-g ] [-u ] [-x] Where: -h : hostname of the CE (default value: 'ccsyre.in2p3.fr') -q : CE queue (default value: '_' = any value) -g : unix group (default value: '_' = any value) -u : unix user account (default value: '_default' = non- special users) -x : print output as XML
13 Query configuration file $./sbin/jwgen-ce-query.sh -h cclcgceli05.in2p3.fr -u atlas099 CEInstance 'cclcgceli05.in2p3.fr' CEQueue 'long' Group 'atlas' User 'atlas099' LogicalResourceSet = {dcache,xrootd} OperatingSystem = sl5 ProfilesDirectory=/afs/in2p3.fr/grid/profiles/glite/ /SL5_64/WN64 Project = P_atlas_T2ana ResourceCPUMax = max ResourceFileSizeMax = max ResourceMemoryMax = max ResourceQueue = long SubmissionPolicy = ACCEPT
14 Core package independent of grid middleware –based on JSDL –can be used with CREAM job control plug-in (BLAH) or Globus job manager for example LRMS –developed, tested and used with BQS –will now be used with Grid Engine site policy –configuration keywords and templates are provided separately
15 Conclusion JWGEN has proven to be useful with BQS, now with GE It can be reused with other grid middlewares, LRMS and site policies But… –configuration is of course more complex that the BLAH flat file –customization is not so easy to do (even if customizable files are well identified) We plan to propose JWGEN as an optional module for grid sites that need this kind of advanced features
16 Questions ?