Parliamentary Procedure Sara Gronski 4-H Youth Development Agent Clark County
Purpose Organization Legal Fair to all participants
Main Motion Purpose: To present an item of business to the group or organization for consideration. ▫Requires a second, is amendable, debatable & a majority vote (voice) ▫After a second is received and the chair acknowledges the motion – debate can begin. After debate a voice vote can pass or fail the motion I move that Wayne buys the county board ice cream. ▫Correct I make a motion that… ▫Incorrect – we “move motions”
Amend Purpose: To add, subtract or alter part of the motion Must be germane to the motion ▫Can’t change the intent of the motion Requires a second, is amendable, is debatable and requires a majority vote After the motion to amend is passed don’t forget to go back and continue debate and vote on the main motion ▫I move for Wayne to buy ice cream for the county board I move to amend the motion by adding “on Tuesday” after “board”
Amend An Amendment Purpose: To add, subtract or alter part of the amendment ▫Also can not change the intent of the motion/amendment Requires a second, is not amendable, is debatable and requires a majority vote ▫I move for Wayne to buy ice cream for the county board I move to amend the motion by adding “on Tuesday” after “board” I move to amend the amendment by striking the words “on Tuesday” and inserting “on Wednesday”
Refer to a Committee Purpose: to have a committee find more information on the motion and report back Requires a 2 nd, is amendable, is debatable and requires a majority vote I move to refer to the snack committee the motion that Wayne buys ice cream for the county board
Lay on the Table - Take from the Table Purpose: to temporarily set a main motion aside Requires a 2 nd, is not amendable, nor debatable and requires a majority vote Motion stays “on the table” until someone moves to take it from the table ▫I move to lay on the table the motion that Wayne buys the county board ice cream Purpose: to take a motion that had been previously tabled Requires a 2 nd, is not amendable, nor debatable and requires a majority vote Motion is taken from the table and once again treated like a main motion ▫I move to take from the table the motion that Wayne buys ice cream for the county board
Rescind Purpose: To take a motion away before the action has taken place ▫Cannot take the motion away if the ice cream had already been purchased for the board If previous notice (on the agenda) is given the motion requires a 2nd, is not amendable, and is debatable If previous notice is not given then a 2/3 vote is required I move to rescind the motion that Wayne buys the county board ice cream ▫If the motion passes Wayne will not buy ice cream – if it fails he still will have to
Reconsider Intent ▫To reconsider a motion that had previously passed Usually used when more information is found Maker of the motion must have voted in favor of the motion originally Requires a 2 nd, is amendable, debatable and requires a majority vote I move to reconsider the motion that Wayne buys ice cream for the county board, I was on the prevailing side
Ratify Purpose: To approve something done without a vote or permission by the board after the action has taken place ▫Requires a 2 nd, is amendable, is debatable and requires a majority vote Wayne purchased ice cream for the board and spent $50 Wayne now would like the board to pay $50 for the ice cream I move to ratify the action taken by Wayne to purchase ice cream for the board ▫Amendment Example Only approve reimbursement to Wayne for $25
Suspend the Rules Purpose: To set aside a rule of the group except for bylaws, fundamental principles of parliamentary law or rules that protect absent members/basic rights ▫Requires a 2 nd, is not amendable nor debatable and requires a 2/3 vote The motion is typically used to take an item of business out of order on the agenda I move to suspend the standing rule that ice cream cannot be eaten in the county board room
Rules of Debate Be recognized by the chair Each member is allowed to debate 2 times – for 10 minutes each ▫UNLESS rules of debate have been changed (suspend the rules- 2/3 vote) or other special circumstances Debate should be germane (relevant to the topic) All comments should be directed at the chair –cross talk between members is not permitted The maker of the motion has the 1 st option of debating The chair then should recognize someone they believe would have an opposing view Remember all debates should be courteous and never attack a fellow board member ▫Don’t say: “It’s a lie” or “He’s a lier” ▫Do Say: “I believe the member is mistaken” Direct the debate to the chair
Limit or Extend Time For Debate Purpose: To change the rules of debate for the motion on the floor (unless specified differently) ▫Requires a 2 nd, is amendable, not debatable and a 2/3 vote I move to limit debate to one more debate I move to extend time for debate to 15 minutes per person per debate Extend: ▫Examples Extra time Extra debates Limited: ▫Examples: 5 minutes each (vs 10) 10 more minutes of debate 1 more debate
Call Previous Question Formal Question ▫“I call question” ▫Requires a 2 nd & 2/3 vote (rights taken from the members) ▫If passed a vote on the motion is taken immediately Either way motion is moved/called the purpose is to end debate on the motion on the floor Informal Question ▫“Question” ▫Without an objection – debate is ended and a vote is taken immediately If you don’t want debate to end and it is an informal motion (no vote taken) a POINT OF ORDER can be raised and a vote should be taken
What if the rules are broken? Point of Order ▫“I rise to a point of order” Does not require a 2 nd, is not amendable nor debatable and is handled by the chair You may interrupt the speaker The chair asks for the “point” and informs the offending member of their action and moves forward When to use? ▫Someone debates for a 3 rd time ▫An amendment or debate is not germane to the motion ▫An incorrect vote is taken (2/3 vs majority)
What if I don’t understand? Parliamentary Inquiry ▫Call “Parliamentary Inquiry” if you have question about parliamentary law ▫You must be recognized by the chair before asking your question ▫“Is this motion amendable?” Point of Information ▫“I rise to a point of information” if you have a question about the motion or action taking place ▫“Do we have enough money in the budget to reimburse Wayne for the ice cream purchased?” ▫The chair answers and if need be consults the treasurer, maker of the motion or other member that has the necessary information