Rose Kershing-5 th Grade August 23 rd Tularcitos Elementary School
FALL FESTIVAL…… September 28th 3:00- 6:00 p.m. Our class has been assigned: ICE CREAM!! PLEASE sign-up to HELP YOUR ASSISTANCE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!
POSITIVE INCENTIVES~ Homework Challenge = Homework Pass Group Tally Winners = Star Table Desserts Whole Class Challenge (behavior bingo)= Classroom Celebration
State Adopted Curriculum LANGUAGE ARTS: Macmillian/McGraw – Hill: Student Reading Textbook Anthology is available on CD Thank you parents for returning permission slips so promptly MATH: EnVision Math….lessons and homework pages… online accessible! Students have log in information sheet in their binders. SCIENCE: Macmillan / McGraw – Hill …student text available online SOCIAL STUDIES: Scott Foresman Publishing..student text available online LIFE SKILLS TRAINING: Princeton Health Press
THANK YOU FOCUS: Friends of Carmel Unified School LAPTOPS FOR STUDENTS! Daily keyboarding Students working collaboratively Enhanced research opportunities 6th grade readiness
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:40-10:30Math 10:30-10:45 Snack Recess 10: :30 Language Arts Spanish 10:45- 11:15 Language Arts P.E. 11: :30 Language Arts Music: 12-12:30 Language Arts Computer Lab 10:45- 11:45 12:30-1:15 Lunch 1:00-2:00Social Studies Science Library 1:15-2:05 Social StudiesStudent Work Time 2:00-3:00 P.E. 2:10--3:00 Science-Lab 2:10-3:00 Spanish 1:45-2:20 Garden Art Buddy Class GATE 1:15-2:55 WEEKLY CLASSROOM SCHEDULE
HOMEWORK IS POSTED DAILY ON OUR CLASSROOM CALENDAR ONLINE:CLASSROOM CALENDAR ** CLICK ON THE YELLOW LINK ABOVE! Students write down homework into their planners daily….please check and initial! Reading Log / A.R. Books: Monday-Thursday (20 minutes) Math : Practice book page / Please see reverse side of homework page for examples of finished work completed by your student earlier in the day. Language Arts: Spelling, Grammar, and/or Vocabulary Pages (weekly packet) Prefixes / Suffixes Miscellaneous ~ Science/Social Studies interactive textbook pages, reports/projects
Students should choose an appropriate chapter book at their level from our school or classroom library. 20 A.R. points per trimester are recommended. (2 points per week)….perfect for fulfilling weekly reading log assignments!!! Independent reading grade is based on A.R. points received.
Students will be asked to read and respond to our classroom blog weekly. It can be accessed from our classroom webpage. Comments are checked and teacher approved before they are posted. Only first names are used and “real” addresses are not needed! Students can make arrangements to blog at school if online access is not available from home.
Online grades updated weekly. Click on the link from our classroom webpage….(students know their login & password) Completed / corrected student work packets are sent home every 2-3 weeks. PLEASE SIGN and return EMPTY envelope or call with any questions or concerns: Ext 257 I will return all calls/ s in as timely a fashion as possible. Parent / teacher conference (Fall & Spring) or as needed
A FEW LEARNING PROJECTS AND ASSIGNMENTS TO LOOK FORWARD TO: What is a BILLION??? (Enrichment opportunity) Adopt an Element Posters Solar System Brochure Explorer Project State Report 50 States & Capitals USA MAP (Regions & States) Geometry “Math Menu” activity ALL ABOUT FRACTIONS Kaplan Strategies poster True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Kaplan Strategies Posters
OTHER FIELD TRIP LEARNING EXPERIENCES: *Planetarium- Hartnell College (Feb.) *Elk Horn Slough (March 22nd) *Point Lobos (May) * Toro Park (May) INTERESTED in chaperoning??? Please sign up
Thursday – Friday: October 25 th -26 th, 2012 Overnight stay in San Francisco on an 1800’s tall ship Living History Crewmates / chanteys/ night watch/ teamwork/ FUN! Parent Information packets COMING SOON: RETURN REQUIRED FORMS A.S.A.P. 5 Parent Drivers / Chaperones Needed: Please sign up and return completed forms if interested.…..this one of a kind opportunity can only happen with your support!!!
Thank you for visiting our classroom this evening. Gooooooo bobcats!!!