Alcohol use by Irish Children Sept 2010 Dr Bobby Smyth
Content Adolescent development Rates of alcohol use by children Why we worry about children drinking
Adolescent Development Confidence Competence
Why teenagers mess up? Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC ) “Youth are heated by nature as drunken men by wine”
The Adolescent brain – a work in progress Giedd et al, 1999, Nature Neuroscience, 2,
…..nevertheless most do fine But is it really different now……..
Entering the world of alcohol earlier
Expenditure by Irish teens
Spend on Alcohol Number*Average weekly spend Average Annual Spend Total annual spend 12-15yo223910€1.80€93.6€21.1 million 16-17yo113267€20.90€1086€123.1 million Total €144.2 million * Census 2006
ESPAD Alcohol among Irish 15-16yo In the past year, due to their alcohol use –17% had suffered an accident or injury –14% reported negative impact on school work –14% reported serious problems with friends In the past month –28% of girls have bought spirits on-premises –27% of girls have bought spirits in off-licence Drunkenness –By age 13, 16% have been drunk at least once –At 16, 26% drunk in past month
Alcohol as ‘gateway drug’ %
Parental concern 90% concerned if their son/daughter to drink 4 pints on one night per month Wealthier parents are the most permissive –Smyth et al (2010) BMC Public Health, 10(1):297.
Alcohol and Accidental Deaths Bellis M, Bolster MA & Doyle CT. (2009) The Role of Alcohol in Deaths Presenting to the Coroner’s Service in Cork City & County. Ir Med J, 102,
Confidence Competence mismatch Alcohol (and drugs) has the effect of increasing confidence while simultantaneously reducing competence To paraphrase Aristotle, many Irish youth are heated by nature AND by wine, alcopops, Smirnoff, Budweiser…. Hence, accidents happen………
Council on Scientific Affairs American Medical Association "Underage alcohol is associated with brain damage and neurocognitive deficits, with implication for learning and intellectual development" Zeigler DW et al (Preventive Medicine, 2004)
At what age is that Irish people loose their ability to have the ‘craic’ without alcohol?
Moral language and discourse around alcohol “Drink Responsible” “Drink Moderate” “Drink Sensibly”
Young Irish Adults Young adults, mean age 21yo 22% Alcohol dependent A further 14% alcohol abuse Nobody described themselves as “Drinking heavily” *Cleary et al, Irish J Psych Med (2007), 24,
What do Irish Children like to drink
Burden of proof Burden lies with those who profit from alcohol to prove to us that what they do causes no harm.
The College of Psychiatry of Ireland