Addictions Kód ITMS projektu: Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: 3. ročník Tematický celok: Závislosť Vypracoval: Mgr. Zuzana Polónyová Dátum:
Content What things might people become addicted to What things might people become addicted to Definition of addiction Definition of addiction Quiz Quiz Group work Group work Are You a Net Junkie? Are You a Net Junkie? Drink and Drug Problem Drink and Drug Problem Discussions Discussions Sources Sources 2
What things might people become addicted to? 3 Kinds of addictions Internet addictChocolate addict alcoholic drugs gambling shopaholic biting nails
Addiction is a chronic brain disease that can be caused by abusing drugs or alcohol. Over time, addiction changes the structure and function of the brain. 4 Addiction- WHAT IS IT? Exercise 1
What do you know about addiction? 1. Addiction can begin when a person uses drugs, but addiction involves more than just using a lot of drugs. T / F 2. Addiction is usually progressive and continues to worsen over time. T / F 3. People often develop addiction in a day or two. T / F 4. Whether physical and/or psychological, addiction can be overcome. T /F 5. An important step toward recovery is accepting that change must occur. T / F 6. Addiction can cause a lack of control over thoughts, feelings, ideas, or behaviors. T / F 7. An addict in recovery should recognize that owning up to the addiction doesn’t mean he or she is a bad person. T / F 5 Exercise 2
GROUP WORK Below are four examples of things people might be addicted to: Work in groups or pairs and make notes about how being addicted to one of them affects the addict’s life. Think about, money, social life, family, time, health, etc. What similarities and differences do you find? Is one addiction worse than the others? What advice would you give to an addict? 6 The InternetAlcoholSmokingHard drugs (e.g. heroin, cocaine,...)
Match the sentence halves 1. Internet addicts don’t realize how... a... lonely and tired. 2. Leading psychiatrists think... b... spends 23 hours a week playing online games. 3. The average South Korean high school student... c... difficult to treat. 4. People have died because of their... d... many hours they spend online. 5. South Koreans go online...e... social networking websites. 6. Internet addiction is...f... Internet addiction. 7. Facebook and MySpace are...g... better computers and software. 8. In the USA, most people... h... at Internet cafes more often than Americans. 9. Internet addicts are often... i... Internet addiction is a real illness. 10. Internet addicts think they need... j... surf the Internet at home. 7
Discussion: Are you a net junkie? Answer these questions for yourself or for someone you know and discuss the results. Do you think these test questions are a good indicator of Internet addiction? Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet? Do you need increasing amounts of time on the net in order to achieve satisfaction? Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop Internet use? Do you feel restless, moody, depressed or tense when you try to cut down or stop Internet use? Do you often stay online longer than you originally intended? Have you jeopardized or risked losing a partner, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet? Have you lied to family members, a therapist or others to conceal the extent of your involvement with the Internet? Do you use it to escape from problems (e.g. feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression)? 8
DRINK & DRUGS: 9 Have you ever gone to school while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? Have you ever drunk alcohol at school? Have you ever encountered someone drunk in his/her job? Talk with your partner(s) about alcohol and drugs in the workplace / school. How would you react if you discovered these people to be drunk? Your dentist The pilot of your airplane The cashier at the bank A police officer Your English teacher The doctor about to operate on you The repair person fixing your gas cooker The photographer at your wedding
DRUNK DOCTORS OPINIONS: Talk with your partner(s) about how far you agree with these opinions: Doctors are human. It’s OK for them to drink too much occasionally. Doctors should be required to abstain completely from alcohol. Being a doctor is stressful. They need to drink. A doctor found to be “over the limit” should be banned from medicine for life. Doctors are crazy to become alcoholics. They know the damage alcohol causes. Alcoholic doctors are probably only in Britain. All medical staff should be breath tested every time they go on duty. There are plenty of jobs more stressful than a doctor’s. 10
11 Listen and complete the gaps: UK doctors’ drink/drug problem BNE: The British medical profession has a _____ ___ ____ _______, according to a BBC television documentary aired on June 13. Alcohol and _________ _____ is becoming disturbingly common among Britain's medical practitioners. The programme claimed ____ ___ __ ___ doctors and nurses, about 13,000 in total, has an addiction. The BBC discovered that in the past decade, 750 medical staff have been formally___________ ___ __________ for being drunk or _____ ___ _________ of drugs while on duty. Reporters also found the medical profession has issued no clear _____ _________ ___ _____ doctors are allowed to drink before going to work. Dr. Michael Wilks, chairman of the British Medical Association’s ethics committee, confessed to reporters that his __________ ___ __ ______. He said it needed to acknowledge the fact it had a problem and ________ ___ _________ _______. He told the BBC: “You've got a profession that doesn’t want to ____ __ __ ___ _____ that it’s got a problem in the ranks.…You’ve got ______ __ ______ that make it virtually impossible for an alcoholic doctor to be helped.” Dr. Vivienne Nathanson warned that ______ __ __________ on alcohol and drugs would __________ ________ patient care. She added: “Doctors work in very stressful environments in a culture where it is difficult to seek help.”
12 GIVE YOUR OPINION Are drugs a part of a night’s entertainment in our country? Should ”soft drugs” be legalized? Why / why not? What do you think about parents giving their drug addict children money to buy drugs? Should society help those young people who have become drug addicted? Exercise 3
Použité zdroje The Guardian Weekly -Addiction to Internet ‘is an illness’ -David Smith - March 23, 2008 es/view/columns/ask-dr-mark/9048- Dealing-With-Teen-Gaming-Addiction 13