Non Drinkers: Those who drink less than once a year or not at all. Infrequent Drinkers: Those who drink at least once a year, but less than once a month.


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Presentation transcript:

Non Drinkers: Those who drink less than once a year or not at all. Infrequent Drinkers: Those who drink at least once a year, but less than once a month. Light Drinkers: Those who drink at least once a month, but no more than 1-3 drinks per occasion. Moderate Drinkers: Those who drink at least once a month 4-5 drinks, once or twice a week with 1-3 drinks per occasion, or 5 times per occasion, or 5 times a week with 1 or less drinks per occasion. Moderate-Heavy Drinker: those who drink at least once a month with 6+ drinks per occasion, once or twice a week with 4-5 drinks per occasion, 4-5 times a week with 2-3 drinks, or 4 times a week with 2-3 drinks, or 4 times a week with 4-5 drinks. Heavy drinker: those who drink once or twice a week with 6+ drinks per occasion or 5 times a week with 4-5 drinks

What is binge drinking? Drinking large amounts simply to get drunk or a consistent amount of alcohol over a period of time. 2 out of every 3 teens in the U.S. drink Teens who begin drinking before age 15 are 5X more likely to become alcoholics Over 3 million teens are complete alcoholics. Underage drinkers account for 11.4% of alcohol consumption.

Short Term Effects Brain: loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and blackouts Body: damaged organs, absorbed into bloodstream. Self Control: depresses nerve system, drunk driving, unprotected sex.

Long Term Effects on Teens Teen drinkers usually score worse on vocabulary, visual, spatial, and memory tests and usually don’t perform as well in school Among drinkers from years old, 31% suffered extreme levels of psychological distress and 39% had serious behavioral problems. Teenage drinking is being associated with ADD

Why is the age limit 21? The brain is not fully developed for most people until 21 years old, and the effect of alcohol on the youths developing brain can have much more devastating effects than on an adult brain.

Drunk Driving The top 3 leading causes of death for year olds; car crashes, homicides, suicides. Alcohol is a leading factor in all three. 31% of drivers killed ages were drunk 8 people a day die in alcohol related car crashes