Fatal drunk driving case in Moncton By: Justin and Rachel
Summarizing the Article A Lakeville man has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and banned from driving for life in connection with a fatal drunk driving collision in Moncton last spring. Boyd Reginald Atkinson, 42, who previously pleaded guilty to impaired driving causing death and impaired driving causing bodily harm, was sentenced on Thursday. Crown prosecutor Stephen Holt believes it is one of the strictest sentences handed down in New Brunswick for such crimes. Kathy Horsman, a 36-year-old Moncton school teacher and single mother of two from Berry Mills, was killed in a head-on collision on Killam Drive on April 17. Atkinson was highly intoxicated that night, had been travelling at a dangerously high rate of speed and was driving with a suspended licence, the court was told. He crossed more than two lanes of traffic before hitting Horsman's vehicle head- on, the Crown said.
The BIG Issue The issue with the incident that occurred is that Atkinson was under the influence before he got into his vehicle and decided to drive. As a result of his actions he killed Horsman and put many other lives in danger at the same time. This case is identified as Public Law and falls under the Criminal area of law. This is found under Criminal because it defines crimes and prescribes punishments. 1.Atkinson crossed two lanes of traffic 2.Travelling at dangerously high rate of speed 3.Highly intoxicated 4.Had a suspended license
Drinking and Driving Video WWd8 Kathy Horsman
Our Position We believe that the consequences for Atkinson's actions should be the same as a second degree murder as well as never being able to drive again. We think this because for second degree murder (in general), jail time is years. Killing someone because of drinking and driving is the same as second degree murder. The charge of never being able to drive should also be kept against him because he abused his privilege and should not be able to make the same mistake twice and take someone else from their family.
Our Questions Do you think that he deserves more or less time in prison? Do you think that he should or should not be able to drive ever again?