PSA public service announcement public service announcements are messages in the public interest disseminated by the media without charge, with the objective of raising awareness, changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue. What are we doing? Why are we doing this?
Keep America Beautiful 1:00 “The Crying Indian” What makes this PSA a “classic”?
“Some people have a deep abiding respect for the natural beauty that was once this country… And some people don’t. People start pollution. People can stop it.”
This is your brain on drugs
Drinking and Driving can kill a friendship 1983 :30 Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk :10 Simplifying your message. How do you communicate your message in 10 seconds?
Buckle Up! 1960’s Who is the target audience for this PSA? How do you know that they are the target audience?
You could learn a lot from a dummy What elements are being used in this PSA to reach an audience?
Generation Red Cross Late 1990’s “They’ve given us a label… generation “X”, generation nothing. Why not wear a label that does mean something?” Who is the audience? How do you know? Graphic Simplicity!
Ask for Help “I was feeling so alone. I’m glad I asked for help.” Simple message emphasized through graphics and visual elements
Asian Counseling and Referral Service Information graphics.
North Texas Giving Day Communication through graphics
No More Why are these people chosen to deliver this message? Simplicity No more… No more… No more…
English 11 students – Create a simple, interesting, and direct message. What will it say? What will it look like? Do not be concerned with the animation process! … or whether it will be easy or difficult to create. It is the responsibility of the Digital Media students to bring your idea to life and make it the best it can be. Challenging ideas are great ideas. Digital media students - Respond by saying “Yes!” “This is how we are going to do it.”
Student Works Stop Bullying 1cMoXU Washing Hands
The topic - Digital Citizenship Think before you post Use of color Emphasis on the appropriate action Direct use of imagery
10 seconds!!!!! What will this look like?
What Makes a PSA Great? A simplified statement or image. This is your brain on drugs. You could learn a lot from a dummy. Friends don’t let friends drive drunk. No more.
Be creative! Be original! Good art is often something that has never been seen before!