The Odyssey Game
Who is Homer addressing at the beginning of the Odyssey?
Who is Homer addressing at the beginning of the Odyssey? The Muse, goddess of epic poetry
How long after the Trojan War does Odysseus depart from Calypso’s island?
How long after the Trojan War does Odysseus depart from Calypso’s island? 7 years
Who is Odysseus’ father?
Who is Odysseus’ father? Laeretes
Where is Odysseus’ home? Ithaca
While in the land of Ismarus, what mistakes did Odysseus and his men make?
While in the land of Ismarus, what mistakes did Odysseus and his men make? They get drunk and mutinous, and the Cicones army sneaks up on Odysseus and his men. He ends up loosing all of his ships except one.
What did the Lotus Eaters offer to the men?
What did the Lotus Eaters offer to the men? Lotus Flower
What did Odysseus do to his men on the island of the Lotus Eaters?
What did Odysseus do to his men on the island of the Lotus Eaters? Dragged them back to the ship and tied them to the rowing benches
What are Cyclopes?
What are Cyclopes? One eyed, giants that eat people
Where do the Cyclopes dwell?
Where do the Cyclopes dwell? In caves
Why did Odysseus beach on this land if he knew the cyclopes dwelled there?
Why did Odysseus beach on this land if he knew the cyclopes dwelled there? His curiosity
What does Odysseus bring along when he goes to inspect the cyclops’ cave?
Wine from the land of Ismarus and 12 of his best men. What does Odysseus bring along when he goes to inspect the cyclops’ cave? Wine from the land of Ismarus and 12 of his best men.
What did Odysseus and his men find inside the cave?
What did Odysseus and his men find inside the cave? Cheese, whey, goats, and pottery
What does the Cyclops do to Odysseus’ men?
What does the Cyclops do to Odysseus’ men? Eats them
What reason does Odysseus give for not killing the cyclops?
What reason does Odysseus give for not killing the cyclops? He needs the cyclops to open up the stone slab door.
What reason does Odysseus and his men construct while in the Cyclops’ cave?
What reason does Odysseus and his men construct while in the Cyclops’ cave? A large wooden stake
What does Odysseus give the Cyclops to drink?
What does Odysseus give the Cyclops to drink? Wine from the land of Ismarus
What does the Cyclops tell Odysseus as Odysseus is leaving the land?
What does the Cyclops tell Odysseus as Odysseus is leaving the land? “Come back and I will treat you well, and I will get Poseidon to befriend you.”
What does Circe say Odysseus must do in order to reach home?
What does Circe say Odysseus must do in order to reach home? Journey to the Land of the dead; underworld
What happened to Odysseus’ men on the island of Circe?
What happened to Odysseus’ men on the island of Circe? Turned them into pigs
What does Odysseus learn about his mother in the Underworld?
What does Odysseus learn about his mother in the Underworld? She’s dead; she committed suicide.
Whom does Odysseus encounter in the Underworld, besides his mother?
Whom does Odysseus encounter in the Underworld, besides his mother? Blind prophet Tiresias
What difficulties does Tiresias predict for the journey to come?
What difficulties does Tiresias predict for the journey to come? He must pass through Scylla and Charybdis, and he warns him not to eat the cattle of Lord Helios, god of the sun.
What does Odysseus tell his shipmates to do to him for when they pass through the Sirens?
To tie him to the ship’s mast What does Odysseus tell his shipmates to do to him for when they pass through the Sirens? To tie him to the ship’s mast
What makes the Sirens dangerous?
What makes the Sirens dangerous? Their beautiful song
What did Odysseus do to his men to keep them from being tempted by the Sirens?
He put beeswax in their ears. What did Odysseus do to his men to keep them from being tempted by the Sirens? He put beeswax in their ears.
What is Scylla? Why is she dangerous?
What is Scylla? Why is she dangerous? 6 headed sea serpent; she eats people
What is Charybdis? Why is she dangerous?
What is Charybdis? Why is she dangerous? Giant whirlpool; she devours ships
When they arrive in the sea cave on Lord Helios’ island, what warning does Odysseus give to his men?
Do not eat the cattle of Lord Helios When they arrive in the sea cave on Lord Helios’ island, what warning does Odysseus give to his men? Do not eat the cattle of Lord Helios
What does Eurylochus say to persuade Odysseus’ men to slaughter the cattle?
What does Eurylochus say to persuade Odysseus’ men to slaughter the cattle? It is better to die being stuck down by the gods and drowning than to die of starvation.
What does Odysseus’ shipmates do while Odysseus is sleeping?
What does Odysseus’ shipmates do while Odysseus is sleeping? They sacrifice the cattle of Lord Helios.
What does Lord Helios ask of Zeus?
What does Lord Helios ask of Zeus? To kill Odysseus’ men
What Happens to Odysseus and his shipmates after feasting for six days?
What Happens to Odysseus and his shipmates after feasting for six days? The storm stops and it lures the Odysseus and his men back out to sea. Zeus sends a storm and lightning strikes down Odysseus’ ship and kills his men.
How does Odysseus avoid Charybdis and Scylla a second time?
How does Odysseus avoid Charybdis and Scylla a second time? He clings to a fig tree on an off shore island of Scylla’s mountain.
How long does Odysseus drift in the open sea?
How long does Odysseus drift in the open sea? 9 days
Whose island does Odysseus make shore at?
Whose island does Odysseus make shore at? Calypso’s Island
How many years total has Odysseus been gone from Ithaca?
How many years total has Odysseus been gone from Ithaca?
What does Athena reveal to Odysseus about his situation at home?
What does Athena reveal to Odysseus about his situation at home? Suitors are destroying his land and trying to win the hand of Penelope.