Presented By John Braun Glenn Kugler Jordan Pipping
The Common Good: A specific good that is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a given community
Mother Theresa and Gandhi both were examples of the Common Good although differing in religious aspects
The Common Good Approach is a principle that states: “ What is ethical is what advances the common good.” In other words… If you make an ethical choice you better the world in which you live.
Recycling – Using less of our worlds precious raw resources Lowers pollution Less harm to the land Or the Alternative…
Tougher Drunk Driving Laws – Safety of the Public Safer Sidewalks Safer Roads and Streets
Common Good - as defined by the ethicist John Rawls: certain general conditions that are…equally to everyone's advantage The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few – Spock, Star Trek BUT Not without trespassing on each person as an individual
COMMON GOODINDIVIDUAL APPROACH Group safety Group health Group needs Group happiness Group care Betterment of the whole Rights of the individual Personal freedoms Individuality Personal responsibility Freedom of choice
The community is made up of individuals whose own good is bound to the good of the whole community What is good for the goose is good for the gander
Do you view community as a collective or a group of individuals? What do you feel would be the best for you? What do you think would be best for society? Do you think you could assimilate into a collective society if you had to relinquish your free will?