“Part-Time Lover” Stevie Wonder, 1985 Call up, ring once, hang up the phone To let me know you made it home Don’t want nothing to be wrong with part-time lover If she’s with me, I’ll blink the lights To let you know tonight’s the night For me and you, my part-time lover We are undercover passion on the run Chasing love up against the sun We are strangers by day, lovers by night Knowing its so wrong, but feeling so right
“Part-Time Lover” Stevie Wonder, 1985 If I’m with friends and we should meet Just pass me by, don’t even speak Know the word’s “discreet” with part-time lovers But if there’s some emergency Have a male friend to ask for me So she won’t peek, it’s really you my part-time lover We are undercover passion on the run Chasing love up against the sun We are strangers by day, lovers by night Knowing its so wrong, but feeling so right
A Great Wickedness Genesis 39:9 ADULTERY:
Adultery is a great wickedness because… It is a sin against God –(–(–(–(Gen. 2:18-24; Mt. 19:4-6) It breaks a sacred covenant –(–(–(–(Rm. 7:2-3; Mal. 2:14; Rm. 1:31-32) It is theft –(–(–(–(I Cor. 7:2,4; Pr. 6:29-35) It is the product of an evil heart –(–(–(–(Mt. 15:19; Mt. 5:27-28)
Adultery is a great wickedness because… It often leads to divorce –(–(–(–(Mt. 19:7-9; Mal. 2:16) It causes others to suffer –(–(–(–(II Sam. 11:5,17, 12:10-11,14) It brings ruin to oneself –(–(–(–(Ps. 51:3; Pr. 5:1-20) It leads to death –(–(–(–(Lev. 20:10; Job 31:9-12; Heb. 13:4)
but it can be forgiven. (I Cor. 6:9-11; Jn. 8:3-11) Adultery is a great wickedness…..
God’s Plan of Salvation Hear the Good News (Rm. 10:17) Believe the Good News (Jn. 1:12) Repent of your Sins (Ac. 17:30) Confess Faith in Christ (Mt. 10:32) Be Baptized in Water (Gal. 3:27) Live a Faithful Life (Rev. 2:10) 2nd Law of Pardon: Repent & Pray God for Forgiveness (Ac. 8:22; Ja. 5:16)