AIM: How can we gain an understanding of the Hollywood Studio System Do Now: How long do you think the average movie takes to film?
History of Hollywood Films really blossomed in the 1920s, expanding upon the foundations of film from earlier years. Most US film production at the start of the decade occurred in or near Hollywood on the West Coast, although some films were still being made in New Jersey and in Astoria, Queens (Paramount). By the mid-20s, movies were big business (with a capital investment totaling over $2 billion) with some theatres offering double features. By the end of the decade, there were 20 Hollywood studios, and the demand for films was greater than ever. Most people are unaware that the greatest output of feature films in the US occurred in the 1920s and 1930s (averaging about 800 film releases in a year) - nowadays, it is remarkable when production exceeds 500 films in a year.
Hollywood Films were being manufactured, assembly-line style, in Hollywood's 'entertainment factories,' in which production was broken down and organized into its various components (writing, costuming, makeup, directing, etc.).
Hollywood Even the earliest films were organized into genres or types, with instantly-recognizable storylines, settings, costumes, and characters. The major genre emphasis was on swashbucklers, historical extravaganzas, and melodramas, although all kinds of films were being produced throughout the decade. Films varied from sexy melodramas and biblical epics to westerns romances, mysteries, and comedies. genres
HOLLYWOOD The studio system was essentially born with long-term contracts for stars, lavish production values, and increasingly rigid control of directors and stars by the studio's production chief and in-house publicity departments.
THE BIG FIVE (1)Warner Bros. Pictures (2)Famous Players-Lasky Corporation (3)RKO (Radio-Keith-Orpheum) Pictures (4)Metro Pictures Corporation (MGM) (5)Fox Film Corporation/Foundation
CASABLANCA The classic and much-loved romantic melodrama Casablanca (1942), always found on top-ten lists of films, is a masterful tale of two men vying for the same woman's love in a love triangle. The story of political and romantic espionage is set against the backdrop of the wartime conflict between democracy and totalitarianism. [The date given for the film is often given as either 1942 and That is because its limited premiere was in 1942, but the film did not play nationally, or in Los Angeles, until 1943.]
CASABLANCA Directed by the talented Hungarian- accented Michael Curtiz and shot almost entirely on studio sets, the film moves quickly through a surprisingly tightly constructed plot, even though the script was written from day to day as the filming progressed and no one knew how the film would end.
“Casablanca: easy to enter, but much harder to leave, especially if your name is on the Nazi’s most-wanted list. Atop that list is Czech Resistance leader Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid), whose only hope is Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), a cynical American who sticks his neck out for no one…especially Victor’s wife Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman), the ex-lover who broke his heart. So when Ilsa offers herself in exchange for Laszlo’s safe transport out of the country, the bitter Rick must decide what’s more important – his own happiness of the countless lives that hang in the balance.”
Vichy – this is the name of the regime that took power in France between 1940 and A power sharing agreement was reached between the Nazi and Vichy parties, resulting in the partition of France. The French government had to pay the costs of the German troops in the country, and allow the German army to arrest whoever they wanted. This is famously featured in Casablanca, when we see the Nazi army march into Paris, forcing Sam and Ilsa to leave. Many French saw the arrangement between the Vichy government and the Nazis as a betrayal. The Vichy government were loyal to and respectful of the Nazis. This surrender incensed many French people, encouraging them to join the Resistance.
The Resistance – this is the name given to French nationals and others fighting against the oppression and suffering caused by the Nazi and Vichy regimes. They took enormous personal risks, working behind enemy lines and helping the Allies, through gathering information and carrying out various other missions. In the film we meet Victor Laszlo, a Czech national, who we come to learn is an important figure in the Resistance movement, making Ilsa’s role in supporting Laszlo all the more vital.
The Nazi Party – the Nazi party were a force in German politics between 1920 and Their policies included the eradication of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and the mentally and physically ill, as well as encouraging the domination of the Aryan ‘master race’. In Casablanca we meet Strasser, who represents the Nazi presence in Casablanca; his actions are indicative of the party ideology.
Aim: How can we analyze Casablanca as an example of the Hollywood Studio System? Do Now: Have you ever heard the famous line “ Here’s looking at you kid.” What do you know about it? HW: Journal #4. Quiz on Casablanca Friday. Extra copies are available on my homework page!!!! Tuesday, April 17, 2013
“Casablanca: easy to enter, but much harder to leave, especially if your name is on the Nazi’s most-wanted list. Atop that list is Czech Resistence leader Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid), whose only hope is Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), a cynical American who sticks his neck out for no one…especially Victor’s wife Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman), the ex-lover who broke his heart. So when Ilsa offers herself in exchange for Laszlo’s safe transport out of the country, the bitter Rick must decide what’s more important – his own happiness of the countless lives that hang in the balance.”
AIM: How can we identify the elements that make Casablanca one of the best films ever made? DO NOW: What do you think of the movie so far? What would be today’s equivalent of Casablanca? Homework: Journal #4. Quiz Friday on Casablanca. Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Aim: How can we analyze the use of camera angles and shots? Do Now: Explain how the camera angles in Casablanca are different than Stagecoach? Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013 Aim: How can we analyze the central conflict in Casablanca? Do Now: Who is your favorite character in the film? HW: Quiz!!! Journal #4
AIM: How can we assess the information we have learned about the film, Casablanca? DO NOW: Do you agree that Casablanca is it one of the greatest films ever made? HOMEWORK: Journal # 4 Friday, April 19, 2013